Illegal Kerch Bridge Built by Russia “Must Come Down,” Says Ukraine at The Hauge


  1. Maybe damage it but don’t utterly destroy it….once the Russian Empire collapses it could be a good link to connect Europe and the newly independent Caucasus regions. It would be a great way to help Crimea recover after the war and it might be a cool road-trip to drive all the way to Baku without having to go though Russia……

  2. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 57%. (I’m a bot)
    > Korynevich stressed the importance of dismantling the Crimean bridge and restoring free passage through the Kerch Strait: "The bridge is unlawful, and it must come down. The Kerch Strait should be returned to its status before this illegal threat to navigation began.”

    > "The Russian Federation has illegally built a permanent impediment to transit, an exceptionally low bridge. The bridge is lower than suggested by Russia's own studies; lower than requested by Russia's own industrial interests; and lower than any bridge built or even proposed in modern times over an international strait," said Korynevych.

    > "The kind of vessels that carried Ukrainian steel, grain, and other foodstuffs to the rest of the world. Today, this bridge not only impedes transit passage, but Russia uses this illegal bridge to send a steady stream of military weapons and supplies to the Crimean peninsula," Korynevych added.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694216 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **bridge**^#1 **Russia**^#2 **Strait**^#3 **Kerch**^#4 **Ukraine**^#5

  3. Lets simplify it’s being used to transport military goods in a war it’s a valid military target.

  4. Theskullcracker on

    The way I see it- anyone working on the bridge is working as an invader of a sovereign nation and should be considered an enemy combatant.

  5. Sabotage the bridge from both ends so that it can not be used and preserve it as it is. It should be made a monument of. It should remind the forthcoming generations of how mindless war bears no fruit. And rename it to Putin’s Tomb.

  6. AnthillOmbudsman on

    The “Hauge”, always a sign of good journalism. Not even OP’s fault, that’s the headline.

  7. blueandgoldilocks on

    On the one hand, fuck Russia

    But on the other hand, it seems like a waste of a perfectly good bridge

  8. So these things come in 3’s. The Berlin wall started coming down on 9 November, 1989. That’s one. It was built by Ruzzia to keep people in. The Kerch bridge was built in 2014 to keep Ukraine in. It needs to go. The last is the big fat walls of the Kremlin. They were built to keep people out, and authoritarians in. They need to go too.

  9. ArthurBurtonMorgan on

    Taking bridges down is a lot easier and faster than putting them up.

    A properly organized operation could have a good chunk of it down and completely gone in two months.

  10. Dangerous-Finance-67 on

    Can someone explain it to me like I’m five? Why the f*** it hasn’t happened yet? They’re blowing up gigantic things… Just blow the f****** bridge up. Launch like 500 drones at it. What the f***.