Trump Promises Immigrants He Wants to Deport Will Get Serial Numbers


  1. Goddamned motherfucking nazi bastard!

    trump *CANNOT* be allowed to win this election. ***HARRIS/WALZ 2024!!!!***

  2. Admiral_Gial_Ackbar on

    What if we also gave them some sort of symbol to identify them also…like a star with six points to denote the six main central and south american countries they’re from?!

  3. sugarlessdeathbear on

    Next up: Trump wants immigrants to wear a patch on their clothes for easy identification. Not his wife though.

  4. Hold on, folks – this is just his concept of a plan.  He’s still working on his Final Solution

  5. Too many grandparents have passed on so now the younger generation has no understanding about why this statement is so massively out of bounds and normally a campaign ender.

  6. He sure makes it easy to see how it happened in Germany in the 1930’s. Half the US thinks this guy is their saviour. They’ll deny it, but if he gets elected, all he has to say is that putting groups of people into camps is how you secure the country and show you’re a real patriot. It only takes a few to turn the ovens on. The rest will keep their mouths shut. Too far you say? Hasn’t he gone too far 1000 times? Where do you draw the line?

  7. That MAGA logo will display right beside hate symbols like the nazi swastika in history books.

    Also, just realized Trump was born in 1946…

  8. “You put one wrong person onto a bus or onto an airplane, and your radical left lunatics will try and make it sound like the worst thing that’s ever happened,” -DJT

    Maybe someone should lock him up with no real legal charges or reason.

    According to him, it wouldn’t be the worst thing anyway.

    That said, I’d bet he’d be crying, “No one has ever been so unfairly locked up before anywhere ever. This is the worst, worstest thing ever in all time!”…

    …and at no time whatsoever would he even realize that’s what he was promoting for others… no lesson would be learned, no empathy gained.

  9. This will be a solution, maybe even the Final one, here is another idea, we could send them to factories, and after a while , with good work ethic, they can be freed, Good Work Ethic will set them free.