I like to listen "In the center of the system" from the BNR and I especially want to point out a very interesting episode regarding the bill on vending machines in small settlements https://binar.bg/v-centara-na-sistema-23500-2/ .

I think some very interesting arguments can be heard here vs vending machines as I’ll pick out a few of them here, but I recommend listening to the whole episode so we’re a little more aware of the industry’s perspective.

Mag.-Pharm. Dimitar Marinov, chairman of the management board of BFS (Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Union):

  • "When there is no one to ask how to drink a given product, self-medication is stimulated. In the USA, paracetamol is sold freely in shops and there one in ten liver failure is due to overuse of paracetamol." ;
  • "Only 2% of the population in Bulgaria do not have access to a pharmacy within 30 minutes (note line by car), the EU average is 5%.";
  • " ‘OTC’ products, known as over-the-counter medicines, can interfere with the therapy of the main treatment if consumed without consulting a pharmacist.";
  • "At the moment there is an active methodology for targeted financing of pharmacies in such areas, it will be much cheaper if we work on it.";

    Mag.-Pharm. Nikolay Kostov, chairman of the management board of ASA (Association of Pharmacy Owners):

  • "There are no details about the machines, who will supply them, what will be in them. In current vending machines (note line located in pharmacies) this has been clarified, for those proposed by the draft law, nothing has been clarified";

  • "No one will install expensive devices in small towns. The machines will have less medicine and more supplements and other products. A drug that a patient needs is unlikely to be found.";

    Mag.-Pharm. Anton Valev, chairman of the management board of the NAC (National Pharmacy Chamber):

  • "Pharmacies make a small profit and at the moment, they should subsidize themselves in many municipalities, not install vending machines. The solution is to have targeted funding programs. When we do that, the question of machines falls away.";

  • "Aunt Pena with a machine can not work.";

    Mag.-Pharm. Konstantin Kachulev, chairman of the management board of NABO (National Pharmacy Branch Organization):

  • "In the states, the 3rd leading cause of death is drug-related disease, these are side effects caused by improper or overuse of drugs… I can safely say that this is not a safe framework (note line to sell medicines outside pharmacies)";

  • "If vending machines for ‘OTC’ products are revealed in the small villages around smaller towns where there are already pharmacies, it will make the business of these pharmacies very difficult."

В центъра на системата [БНР Подкаст] Вендинг машини и лекарства
byu/Geshovski inbulgaria

Posted by Geshovski

1 Comment

  1. Лично аз бях леко смутен от всичко казано от представителите на бранша. Обяснения как в момента след 30 минути с автомобил леля Пена можело да достъпи лекарства, че леля Пена не можела да работи с машини, че фармацевтът щял да я консултира, че щял да я попита как е, и да предаде на личния и лекар обратна връзка ми сториха като изказвания абсолютно скъсали всякаква връзка с реалността.

    Относно САЩ и голямата смъртност там, бих посочил следната статия от National Library of Medicine поддържана от правителството на САЩ:

    Our **prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death** after heart disease and cancer in the United States and Europe. **Around half of those who die have taken their drugs correctly**; the other half die because of errors, such as too high a dose or use of a drug despite contraindications. Our drug agencies are not particularly helpful, as they rely on fake fixes, which are a long list of warnings, precautions, and contraindications for each drug, although they know that no doctor can possibly master all of these.
    Източник: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25355584/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25355584/)

    Както виждаме, половината от починалите са след правилна употреба на лекарствените си продукти. А другата половина поради висока доза или неясност при противопоказанията, като виждаме, че тук за част от смъртните случаи не могат и лекарите да помогнат поради пропуски в познанията си за медикаментите. Разбира се тук може би се намесва магистър фармацевтът, който да помогне, но целия пример поне на мене ми се струва малко опорка, по начина, по който е представен.

    В крайна сметка от бранша си искат дотиране и целеви програми за финансиране от държавата или от общините, за да могат да работят в по-слабо населени места, както и да предоставят нощни услуги, като за поддържане на нощна смяна месечните разходи на една аптека са 18 000лв, които според маг.-фарм. Константин Качулев, трябва да бъдат финансирани от държавата/общината, тъй като бизнесът не може да си избие от продажбите този разход.