When was the last school shooting in each European country?


Posted by Ta9eh10


  1. ProfitHaunting9744 on

    As far as I remember there was a school shooting in Turkey around 2012 or so, some kurdish terrorists stormed a school in eastern turkey, killed a teacher and kidnapped 6 teachers

  2. Sad/good fact: Italy never had a school shooting in its history but had a plane crashing into a school

  3. DesignerVillage5925 on

    In Ukraine it was an accident single shoot of a policeman who came to school for a presentation

  4. The thing is that Serbian one, from 2023. It’s the only known case of school shooting here…

  5. Couldn’t even remember we had a shooting in Finland this year. Damn, I guess with all the bad news all the time, you become a bit numb for these.

  6. It would be better to give last few dates instead of only the latest. The latest in Poland was in 2019, the previous one in 1925.

  7. I have to say, from what I’ve read, the one in Bosnia shouldn’t count. It wasn’t really school shooting as much it was a homicide that happened at school premises. And no kid was involved.

  8. Interesting fact:

    The shooting in the UK was in Dunblane, Scotland. One of the students in the classroom was Andy Murray, the recently retired professional Tennis player.

    This school shooting, the first of its kind, led to Gun control, and thankfully we haven’t had another since.

  9. In bosnia it was a janitor who was about to be fired that shot the school director and one of the teachers

  10. Austria, Switzerland, we got loads of guns, it’s not about banning guns, or, the even stupider idea, armed guards in schools lol.

    It’s about making sure no kid ever WANTS to become a shooter.