Afghanistan risks polio outbreak as Taliban restricts women from delivering vaccines


  1. Polio would probably have been eradicated years ago if it was not for the continuing scourge of religion on humankind.

  2. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 85%. (I’m a bot)
    > Afghanistan is at risk of a polio outbreak, health officials have warned, after the Taliban suspended the vaccination campaign over security fears and restrictions on women.

    > The Taliban had "Temporarily suspended" polio vaccinations in Afghanistan, a health official involved with the campaign confirmed to the Guardian, because of security concerns and women's involvement in administering vaccines.

    > "When the Taliban took over, I was happy because I thought now we would have the opportunity to completely remove polio from Kandahar," said one 23-year-old former female polio worker, who asked to be identified only as Farhanaz.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694208 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **polio**^#1 **campaign**^#2 **worker**^#3 **women**^#4 **Taliban**^#5

  3. Fuck them. If they are that ignorant and want to refuse to listen for some illogical fear of women, let them reap what they sow.

  4. When leaders are so stubbornly biased that they’d rather see their country, including the gender they favour, flushed down the toilet than allow any form of equality.

  5. I read the article and it says something else. That the Taliban had an issue with door to door vaccination because they were paranoid it exposed the location of many of their leadership. So they wanted vaccinations done at the local mosques. Somewhere in there they threw the issue of “due to women” or some shit for the article title to make sense.

  6. KoolAidTheyThem on

    Why are these people so idiotic? Ill never understand. You see how the rest of the world lives, but you choose this crazy ass life?

  7. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Hopefully they’ll eventually learn from this. Lmao yeah right who am I kidding

  8. Suzzie_sunshine on

    This should be a warning to the MAGA crowd that want to take America backwards. It’s the same misogynistic and religious stupidity. Vote blue. Don’t let religious zealots take us backwards. It won’t go well.

  9. socialcommentary2000 on

    Folks, I know it seems in fashion to blame the Taliban for being ignorant due to their religion, but you should keep in mind that the CIA used a fake vaccine drive to try to pinpoint where Bin Laden was in the lead up to us getting him.

    They haven’t forgotten about this.

    It set back global health initiatives and led to the expulsion of groups that were doing good healthcare work in Pakistan. It was also roundly condemned by basically every global health organization in the world.

  10. It pisses me off that we spent so much money, time, and lives on getting the taliban out of Afghanistan and getting education to girls and women just to have this shit happen. Oh, and we abandoned some of our biggest feminist allies in the region, the Kurds, who were also some of the best fighters. If anyone deserves the US support of their own state, it is the Kurds.