Amazon says workers must be in the office. The UK government disagrees. Who is right?


  1. *“The authors suggested this may make it harder to convey and understand complex information.”*

    “Our employees are too stupid to read and they need a middle manager to explain it to them in a three hour meeting.” – Microsoft.

  2. GCU_Problem_Child on

    This is an insanely stupid question.

    There are only two reasons to demand people return to the office:

    1. You own the building, and if people aren’t using it, then you’re losing money on it. You also can’t sell it if people are allowed to WFH, because the demand will tank, destroying that section of the “Economy”.
    2. You’re a filthy sack of shit control freak, with all the personality and allure of a sock full of cold sick, who can only jerk off if you have people you can literally push around.

    The workers are right. Work from home should be the norm.

  3. The pandemic showed that we can definitely work from home and that should be the norm, it’s so much better than the office. Whoever wants to work from office be my guest but let others work from home

  4. “There was also a drop in communication that happened in real time – meetings that would have happened in real life weren’t necessarily happening online. Instead, more emails and instant messages were sent.” “The authors suggested this may make it harder to convey and understand complex information.”

    LOL. What it really suggests is that the meetings “That would have happened in real life” were completely unnecessary and could have been handled through emails and instant messages.  That sounds more productive to me than wasting everyone’s time by forcing people to attend a completely unnecessary meeting.

  5. The UK government. A hybrid model should be on the table where employees and employers alike can benefit from.

    In our company it’s possible to make agreements about working from home. It really shouldn’t have to be any more complicated than that.

  6. I am a strong proponent of remote work. I work largely remote. That said, if you work for an entity that wants you to work in a specific manner, either do so, or work elsewhere.

  7. Arguments are pointless. A case by case approach is the easy answer.

    The reality is that the people who decide, are those that can lobby government. So essentially the “government”. If we work from home, the parking lots don’t make money, and the buildings lose their value.

    That’s it. That’s the reason.

    Yes, small businesses downtown will suffer, but they are just the cute excuse the rich get to use to hide the fact that they are losing real estate value.

    They don’t give a flying shit about that sushi place or the coffee place. It’s parking, it’s buildings. And it’s car companies being worried we won’t buy another car. It’s gas companies seeing a reduction in gas consumption.

  8. >There was also a drop in communication that happened in real time – meetings that would have happened in real life weren’t necessarily happening online. Instead, more emails and instant messages were sent.

    It’s almost like 90% of meetings are a waste of time and could have just been an email

  9. Companies should be charged a carbon tax for in-office employees to account for their emissions from commuting.

  10. Amazon, as a private business, is free to impose whatever conditions it likes, and the workers are free to quit and get a better job. It is not the government business to tell a free business what it wants, but it IS government business to make sure other jobs are available to workers.

  11. The government should not get involved in private business matters, see the railway for reference.

  12. everything i do, can be done remotely, also since im the one that setup remote access to all work files. but, since i work for a lazy republican boomer that learned from me to never ever say “nobody wants to work anymore” by walking out and going home the last time he said that, which forced me to explain why i did that (i was there, and working, at the office/his House). anyway, im “at work” today, but also pissing around on reddit. im too old to give a shit about it anymore. its not like he marks up the drawings and he just leaves it all to mind reading by me, or really does anything. he cant even manage his own drawings, or fiances. talk about not wanting to do anything, he cant handle his own life without “hiring” someone else to do everything for him. i have never seen someone so lazy who projects the typical republican talk radio crap he listens too all day.

    its monday isnt it.

  13. Interesting-One- on

    In normal situation, mean no pandemic, no war, no special circumstances, I think it is the decision of the company. If they find people to work for them, it is their agreement.

  14. amazon will always be wrong. if amazon wants something, then you can know that it is bad for humanity at large.