Cryptocurrency Trading Causes Lower Quality Of Life And Higher Stress


  1. InclineDumbbellPress on

    Dont trade, DCA. DCA regularly with what you can afford and forget about it for a few years – Your future self will thank you and youll live longer

  2. Finally someone asked how is crypto bros. This article is a goldmine

    > This overlap suggests that some individuals may approach crypto trading as a form of gambling rather than traditional investing.

    Welcome to casino

    > The study also revealed that cryptocurrency traders reported higher levels of psychological distress, perceived stress, and perceived loneliness compared to non-investors.


    TLDR. You are stressed gambling addict. Dont be harsh on yourself. We are gonna make it

  3. tldr; A study in the Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics reveals that academics trading cryptocurrency experience lower quality of life, worse sleep, and higher stress compared to non-traders. The research, conducted at a Turkish university, highlights significant health differences between crypto traders and non-traders. The study aligns with broader findings linking crypto trading to gambling behaviors and excessive risk-taking. Researchers call for increased awareness and mental health policies to address these issues, emphasizing the need for protective strategies and community support.

    *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

  4. I just buy like 98% just btc for long term and I sleep like a baby. No added stress or anything. It’s great.

  5. I have miner stocks that are down 50% this year and now they aren’t rising lately with Bitcoin. It’s pretty damn stressful

  6. unchained_onchain on

    personally Ive loved my trading experiences using Netcoins. Its easy and the markets way less stressful if you just are buying and HODL

  7. Diamond_Hands420 on

    Sounds like the type of article to make you sell everything just before the market picks up