I wont need all of it translating if you dont want, just the basics and who is mentioned in the letter

Thank you Bulgaria!


Posted by baldmartinisfire


  1. # “Наши приятели и най-чистосърдечни хора – Станоеви –(подпис)”

    “На сем. Станоеви за които запазваме незаличими мили спомени, нашите най-искрени близки, с които сърдечно споделяме всички радости и скърби, през дните на 1.5 годишното ни прекарване в Свети Врач”
    /днес – гр Сандански/

    ??. Бакърджиева

    08 Юли 1922, град Радомир

  2. Our friends and most kindhearted people the Stanoevi family.
    (I cant read the 4th line it is a name of a place maybe or it is an abbreviated first name and full surname looks like the same name written on the bottom but can’t be sure. Sl.Bakiardjieva)

    To the Stanoevi famili we preserve unforgettable kind memories. Our most ernest kindreds whith which we shared all happiness and sorrows in the days of our year and a half (the next word is difficult to translate. It depends on the context) co-habitation/adventure in Sv. Vrach. (Sv is an unusual abbreviation but i suspect it means village)
    Sl.Bakiardjieva (Sl is a usual abbreviation for village but it could be abbreviated first name)

    8th of July 1922
    Gr. Radomir (Gr. Is usual abbreviation for town)
    Radomir is a town in Bulgaria south west of Sofia.
    I couldn’t find a village by the name of Vrach, but ther is a village named Vrachesh nort east of Sofia.