The happy couple gave birth to 3 boys and 2 girls on the 20th.
This is the first time that quintuplets were born in Korea by natural conception.
Couple who gave birth to quintuplets will receive ₩170+ million in benefits
byu/DateMasamusubi inkorea
Posted by DateMasamusubi
Poor parents and poor kids
Highly doubt this is the first time in thousands of years.
>사공씨가 다낭성 난소 증후군을 진단받고 치료와 임신 준비를 위해 배란유도제를 맞았는데, 첫 치료 이후 바로 다섯쌍둥이가 생겼다. 자연임신으로 다섯쌍둥이가 생겨 건강하게 태어난 것은 국내에서 최초다.
Not exactly “natural”, is it?