Women to be induced from 28 weeks instead of getting abortions under proposed SA law changes



  1. Alternative title – Pentecostal Liberal dickhead proposes forced birth law for women carrying late term medically unviable pregnancies to deliver maximum trauma. 

  2. katarina-stratford on

    >People who want to terminate their pregnancy after 28 weeks could be required to instead deliver their baby alive under proposed changes to laws in South Australia that decriminalised abortion three years ago.

    >Liberal MP Ben Hood will introduce a bill in the SA upper house on Wednesday so that people pregnant for more than 27 weeks and six days would be induced instead of getting an abortion.

    >Under SA legislation passed in 2021, a pregnant person can get a late-term abortion after 22 weeks and six days if medically appropriate and with the approval of two doctors.

    >A politician in a suit outside a brick building
    Ben Hood is introducing a bill to ban abortions after 28 weeks. (ABC News)

    >”What my amendments hope to do, is balance the choice of the mother with the rights of the child,” Mr Hood said.

    >”This importantly balances and does not impinge upon the rights of a mother to choose a termination.

    What about women terminating due to a sudden risk to their life? People who go though the grief of finding out late that their pregnancy is incompatible with life shouldn’t be forced to live birth and witness the suffering of said fetus. This will 100% be impinging on the rights of the mother. It is not a child, it does not have more autonomy than the pregnant person carrying it.

  3. If someone is terminating at 28 weeks it’s usually because either the mother’s life is at risk or the baby has a severe birth defect or disability. It’s not like women are peeing on a stick at 4w 2d, finding themselves with an unwanted pregnancy and going “gee I’ll get an abortion for sure but can’t be fucked organising it for 20 weeks”.

    The circumstances of having to terminate a pregnancy that presumably was wanted are traumatic enough without the religious right sticking their oar in. Fuck off to America if you want to impose on women’s rights.

  4. This is a Bill push by Australia’s biggest forced birth activist Prof. Joanna Howe from the University of Adelaide. She’s tried to push Bill in Queensland, WA and Federally (“babies born alive”) and failed so she’s returning home to spread more misinformation about healthcare.

    Heaps more info in posts on my profile or my TikTok (@prgygrgy).

  5. Waiting for the neonatologists who will prisinably have to care for these extremely sick babies to step up and say something

  6. In response to /u/katarina-stratford but I wanted this to be a top-level comment

    OK so basically after 22-24ish? weeks it’s always a birth process anyway because baby’s too big for the abortion. It’s a c-section or vaginal delivery; neither is pleasant.

    A woman who’s made it *that* far & has sudden risk to life is basically fucked. Hope her body’s strong enough for labour/surgery. Any woman who needs to stop being pregnant at that stage for her own medical reasons will 100% choose for the baby to be born alive if they can hold out until 24 weeks, as babies born after this stage have lived in the past. 24 weeks (6 months) is viability – I.e. that’s a baby who can live if born now, albeit with a lot of nicu help. Doctors and mothers will try to delay delivery as long as possible to give baby the best shot at life at that stage but we’re talking days/weeks not months.

    Pregnancy sucks. Delivery sucks. Nobody makes it to 28 weeks and wants an abortion just because they don’t want a baby. Previously babies found to have debilitating health issues (e.g. Brain not there) would be euthanised in-utero and then birthed whole but dead, so that baby doesn’t suffer a needlessly painful and short life and the parents can have some photographs, cuddles and closure. (In the US back in Dubya’s reign they changed the law so that babies would have to be ‘removed in pieces’ rather than birthed, which is fucking horrific, and I assume that’s been since repealed.)

    What this cunt wants to do is make it so parents need to birth a live baby who will be in horrific pain and die rather shortly (or live on life support indefinitely with zero other prospects) for…reasons?? Who the fuck knows. He’s a bastard.

  7. TrashPandaLJTAR on

    >”But if that baby is healthy … they’d be rushed to the NICU, they’d be given life-sustaining treatment and they would survive.

    This bonehead literally doesn’t comprehend the meaning of the term, ‘incompatible with life’. She’s clearly never experienced an induction, if she thinks this is the ‘easier’ solution.

  8. How much is this going to cost… if no longer an option to terminate the child is delivered alive and then put into neonatal care until someone adopt it who pays for the care? If the child is forced to be born with massive birth defects and health issues who will adopt and what support will be provided to adoptive parents?? This is just another bullsh*t male view of control over a woman’s body and womb…. So typical of a right wing liberal with a foundation of warped religious fundamentalism

  9. Americanisations continues, brick by brick.

    The brick laid by Whitlam’s firing has risen to be a full fledge house. Only fencing and cosmetics to be done.

  10. Tell me a man introduced this without telling me a man introduced this. What a load of bullshit. If someone is terminating at 28 weeks, there’s something seriously wrong with either mother or baby. To make a baby suffer until it dies with palliative measures, after the trauma of birth is the most fucking disgusting thing I’ve even heard. Women have premmie babies all the time, and when those premmie babies die it is the most devastating thing on the planet. Giving birth to a still born child is also fucking traumatic, but at least the mother knows the baby didn’t fucking suffer by being made to be born alive and then die a slow painful death.

    This guy can fuck right off. ETA: So can the University professor. She can fuck right off too.


  11. Roulette-Adventures on

    Do women ever terminate at 22 or even 28 weeks? I’ve never heard of it that late before, but I’m curious does it happen?

  12. LittleBunInaBigWorld on

    These fucking imbeciles need to be sat down and forced to watch a graphic video demonstrating what a surgical abortion looks like. What stillbirth looks like. What it looks like for a mother to be forced to deliver, only for her to die anyway. They need to see that birth at 28 weeks is not something anybody actually fucking wants to happen. It happens because shit has gone down. How is that so hard to comprehend?

  13. Why? I never understand why men (as a man myself) have such a boner for women to have children…especially with how many dead beat dads there are….and doesn’t this fuck with the governments plan for importing folks to the country anyway….

  14. -Midnight_Marauder- on

    Does he have a uterus? Or is he a medical doctor who has an expert opinion on the matter?

    If neither of those things are true then he just needs to shut the fuck up on matters that don’t concern him.

  15. Forcing people to have children they don’t want or can’t care for is the scariest thing I’ve ever heard of. I’m a 37 year old male. Forcing a woman to give birth; we don’t have any beds for them to go into the system or foster.. so child safety would be trying to force/coerce the mother (who obviously doesn’t want the pregnancy) to take a baby… a 28 week prem baby. Holy fuck is WA gonna see a rise in infanticide if this sort of insanity is allowed to become law.

  16. Babies born that premature go through hell and it can have lasting effects on their health and cause permanent disabilities. Who would for think this is a good option for the baby?

  17. The only people who should have an opinion on medical procedures are medical practitioners , not some religious arsehole that knows nothing

  18. I hate the way this is reported in a way that doesn’t make it clear right from the top that it has zero chance of actually becoming a law.

    People might even think the law has already changed and may make dangerous health decisions at a time when they are extremely vulnerable.

  19. American right wing culture war is being exported into Australia. We must treat this as a societal threat.

  20. Huge swathes of our conservative parties are every bit as happy clapper right wing Militia as the GOP is in the USA.

    You can guarantee women’s rights to bodily autonomy are on the agenda at every election, federal and state.

  21. Temporary_Price_9908 on

    This f$$king enrages me. Women who need abortions after 28 weeks do so for the most heart-breaking of reasons, normally to do with severe, late-detected genetic abnormalities. The women and their partners who have to make this gut-wrenching decision do so because they want to save their babies from life-long pain and suffering and/or a short pain-filled life.
    I despise men like this. They have not a single compassionate bone in their bodies, yet bang on about what great Christians they are (tbf, can’t see any evidence of this, but would put money on it).
    Is he advocating for free, extensive genetic testing in the early weeks of pregnancy so (some) of these late term abortions could be avoided? (Not all abnormalities are detectable early). Is he advocating for massively increased support for women who are forced to continue pregnancies and give birth to incredibly sick babies? Because it’s the women who will bear the brunt of the financial, career and emotional cost.
    Disappointing to see a woman supporting this too.