Georgia and Kazakhstan were the only European (even if they’re mostly in Asia) countries with a fertility rate above 1.9 in 2021

Posted by Bulgatheist


  1. An interesting visualization would be a year-by-year video for a significant period, at least a century (if such data exists).

  2. The countries with the highest fertility rates are the countries with the lowest ability to take care of themselves.

  3. I wonder if that will help in the fight against climate change or if we’ll be be both facing a difficult climate while struggling to keep our economic and social structures together (especially pensions and healthcare).

  4. Does it mean that the global fertility droped due to modern agriculture ? Do you have strong source on that effect ?

  5. You guys should visit sprawling slums of Almaty to get clear picture if high fertility rates. While tourist places in the city and around are beautiful, population is soaring at ~2.5mln while initial soviet infrastructure was built to withstand approximately 750k people. Smog is awful.

  6. Affectionate_Cat293 on

    This map is really bad. Replacement rate is 2.1, not 2.0. In other words, fertility rate of 2.0 will still lead to a decrease in population. 2.1 should have been the threshold.

    “Replacement level fertility is the level of fertility at which a population exactly replaces itself from one generation to the next. In developed countries, replacement level fertility can be taken as requiring an average of 2.1 children per woman.”

  7. The world is overpopulated and those who think that eternal population growth is an option are rooting either for famine, epidemies, war or all of those. That is why that map isn’t showing critical information. Rapid depopulation is equally bad but a birth rate slightly below 2 is the optimal number. To my knowledge Ireland, France anf Sweden are pretty much there.

  8. I don’t think thay any insentives to boost fertility would work. The overall decline of population seems unevitable unless there’s some black swan event coming. The right way iseems to be a complete overhaul of the pension / social benefit systems until it is not too late.

  9. Seems odd. Even maybe we have higher than Western Europe. I don’t think we would have much gap compared to our neighbours

  10. Silver_Jeweler6465 on

    The solution?
    Progressive income tax based on number of children (while still maried to not encourage mass single motherhood and deadbeats) rather than based on income levels.
    Basically single people -> highest rate.
    Married couples with 4 children -> 0 income tax (for both parents) for as long as the marriage lasts.
    The rates drop incrementally by getting married and then per child.

    There, this would fix the fertility crisis and still not encourage people to have children “for money”, because they still have to work to benefit from income tax reductions.

  11. Iforgetthisnameanywa on

    Robots and development in AI came just in time. It almost feels like a natural continuation of evolution 

  12. Awful range per color. It would be much more useful to see a map of Europe with color gradients for fertility 1.0-2.0 with 0.2 increments.