1. Those who were not allowed to give blood because the lived in UK during the 90’s and may have CJD (Mad cows). We are now eligible to give blood. 

    I have been giving blood for the last 18 months. It’s easy, the staff are helpful and you get Tim Tams. 

  2. Absolutely! Your work or university might also have a blood/drive challenge happening as well that you can join.

    I can’t donate at the moment. In April I was told that my haemoglobin count was too low, and that I need to wait 6 months (25 days left to go) before trying again.

  3. Can someone in the know give me a heads up? I had Glandular Fever about 7 years back and was told offhand by a friend that means I cannot donate, I took it at face value. If this is true, is there an expiry period or am I just never able to donate?

  4. nearest location is about 30mins away and multiple train/buses, just not feasible for me unfortunately.

    Used to do it more often when I lived closer

  5. Imaginary-Owl-3759 on

    If you’re worried about the needle, it’s way less scary than anticipation would have you think. The blood bank folks do it all day, you’ll feel a little pinch going in and that’s it.

  6. Shout-out the Blood Bank staff who are incredible at making the process easy and comfortable. Post donation sausage rolls have an garnish of humanitarian happiness.

    Edit. Worth checking your employer’s policies but several of my jobs have counted blood donation time as paid.

  7. Have been trying for 20 years – first a false diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome as a teenager stopped me then weight loss surgery stopped me.

    If I understand the risks and accept them, why can I not give blood to those who need it 🙁

  8. Difficult_Phase_7882 on

    My dad has donated blood for decades and I’ve always wanted to do this with him. It’s a shame we have such broad and unyielding rules for gay men when it comes to giving blood.
    Literally been with my husband for over 7 years and that apparently puts me down as danger when giving blood 🙀

    Hope as many people as possible see this and give as often as they can!

  9. nhilistic_daydreamer on

    I’ve always thought a blood bank cafe would do really well in Australia.

    I usually grab a nice cafe breakfast after donating, how handy if it all was in the same complex.

    Anyway, please donate if you are able!

  10. Sadly I tend to pass out when needles are involved. I thought I’d gotten over it a while ago and tried to give blood. Turns out no, I am not over it.

  11. I really want to give blood. Have ever since I was a kid, and my mum needed transfusions cause of leukaemia.

    But I have low iron, and was severely deficient last year :/ you can’t donate if you have low iron

  12. ProductivePumpkins on

    I donate regularly in Brisbane city, lovely staff and you get 3 hours free parking at queens plaza when donating – if anyone’s got questions happy to answer.

  13. I don’t go as often as I should but done 20+ so far

    Good reminder to book next one in

    Usually do plasma but as a big boi and other unknown reasons my plasma donations take an insane amount of time so I’ve stopped doing those.

  14. A+ donation booked in for 2:45 today. Need to have some more water, this will be donation #26 for me.

    Can’t do plasma, passed out cold when I tried! But whole blood every 12-14 weeks gets siphoned off.