California Drivers May Soon Get Speed-Warning Devices as Standard


  1. Designer_Brief_4949 on

    Fck that.  The databases are frequently wrong. And they don’t account for time of day with school zones. 

  2. Just like with the rise of VPNs from porn bans, society will now collectively learn how to jail break their cars.

  3. Flat-Lifeguard2514 on

    Here are maybe some more effective ideas: (not saying they’re going to be good, but feel like this idea is just an annoyance and won’t solve anything but make people annoyed and subvert the tech)
    – Built in devices that can detect DUI and tell or prevent driving. 
    – Systems that tell when the driver is being too aggressive and weaving through lanes.

  4. This is about the dumbest thing I’ve seen a politician do today. Immediately disabled. Then they going to fine you for disabling it?? Fuck them!! This is total over reach.

  5. This is an incredibly bad idea, especially the concept of providing increasing resistance at the accelerator pedal/removing control from the operator. There are times when you NEED to speed up to retain control of your vehicle or to escape a dangerous situation.

  6. got to love commiefornia…first the gave all of us the “jerk off” gas can, now they want to give us nanny cars…get bent Commies…I’ll never comply with that, and if you manage to make it mandatory on “all” cars sold in the USA…well, I will be buying whatever software from the 1st company that is able to program it out.

  7. CharcoalGreyWolf on

    Because the real problem is, people just don’t know what they’re doing! If we only *told* them a lot more, they’d smack their foreheads and go “OMG, you’re *right*!!! I just needed to be told!!!”

  8. People here can shit on this all they want. But this is needed. Fact is drivers do not pay attention to their speed at all. They actually rely on visual things to gauge their speed. Such as the roadway in front of them and other cars. Anything that can be done to give better information about speed to drivers will save lives.

  9. I rented a Ford Fusion with a speed governor built-in. Whenever I drove “too fast”, it disengaged acceleration.

    It was wildly frustrating and a little dangerous.