Brandenburg elections result, 16-24 years old voters vs 70+ years old voters

Posted by Affectionate_Cat293


  1. Old people wanting to enjoy their fat pensions for the last two years of their life is saving the status quo.

  2. Ok lets see the Reddit political scientists explaining how is this possible. The “bad boomer” card is gone, lets hear it from the “youth-the future” 😄

  3. Based elderly people. At least somebody out there still remember the dangers of fascism and the value of preserving the democratic order and liberties.

  4. Apprehensive_Emu9240 on

    Not a great prospect, but luckily young people are still at an age where they’re still more easily influenced than other age categories. We can still turn this around.

  5. It’s weird how some people want to take voting rights away from the elderly but when they vote in a way they approve of then suddenly old people are based and saving society.

  6. device_independent on

    I’m shocked about the younger ones. How can your political opinion switch from greens to afd? I don’t get it.

  7. Professional-Wish656 on

    People is so tired of crazy immigrants from Muslim Countries and Africa.

    Many germans are really stupid, I was living in Germany in 2016 and people literally was saying that there shouldn’t be borders at all, that is insane how can you keep a society strong if you don’t control it at all? That year a million people came from the middle east in a walking march that was completely nonsense, you didn’t know who they were, what was their purpose, anything at all. You suddenly started seeing huge groups of kids with nothing to do in the u-bahn.

    It was about time that people start thinking.. mmm ok perhaps is not that good idea to just leave anybody from the middle east and their families enter here and receive money and flats for free, bringing also their undeveloped mentallity, burkas, etc which is completely opposed to modern european mentallity.

    It’s very late actually we are just going to start seeing a serious civil clash as soon as benefits are stopped.

  8. Emergency_Effort3512 on

    well this sucks but yk whatever happens happens, at the end of the day it would that youth getting fucked over no one else. but it is in fact odd how differently young people in usa, uk vote vs country such as germany.

  9. Electronic_Injury_49 on

    Gonna need this when people say “Damn the boomers, it’s always been their fault if right wing parties win the elections”

  10. BiggusCinnamusRollus on

    16-24 year olds have lived with mass immigration due to the war in Syria for 8, going on 9 years now. Growing up hearing your economic prospect getting significantly worse, the crimes due to refugees, seeing first hand how some refugees may not be the friendly people they were introduced as along with no memory or optimism of when it was good. You know may be that is not hard to explain at all.

  11. this_is_jim_rockford on

    I wonder how the youth vote would break down by gender.

    Because Brandenburg is an Eastern state, and in the east, there is a high male surplus. [Especially in smaller communities, it’s not uncommon to have 1 woman per every 2 men or 2 women per every 3 men.](

    And before the reunification, East German women were heavily encouraged by the state to get jobs (and their children would be looked after in state-owned daycares). So at the time of reunification, 90% of East German women worked, vs. only 55% of Western.

    Then with the reunification, when most DDR products were no longer competitive with Western products, many people in the East lost their jobs. And 2/3 of the people who moved to the West and never came back were young women. And it still keeps happening, women in their 20s make up just ~2-3% of total population in many Eastern towns.

  12. BehindTheRedCurtain on

    It is almost crazier to me that 18% of 70+ year olds voted AFD than young people. I can logically understand how young German generations with no where else to turn, get fooled into thinking this is a different group than the Nazi’s, and that maybe the far-right will be good for them. The 70 year olds though, who’s older siblings and parents directly witnessed Nazism…. shame

  13. And it will only get worse until we do something about social media influence and forbid that toktok and you name them all

  14. Looks like the pandemic caused most of the change in the youth. While the old were scared and going along, the youth felt like years of their youth were stolen for an illness not affecting them directly.

  15. That 20% drop of the Green party… wow! How many Fridays-Future dummies were oh so loudly screeching they are doing all this for “the young people”? lol

  16. Young Germans just trying to relive the glory years of the early-mid 1900s that they never got a chance to experience

  17. It’s a twist of fate when you consider that it was the Greens and the Left who fought most fiercely for a lowering of the voting age.