British aircraft supporting Ukraine ‘not deterred’ by Russia

Posted by Reprexain


  1. InterestedInterloper on

    The Brits have shown more balls in this than everyone put together other than Ukrainians themselves. If London didn’t have to kowtow to Washington on policy Ukrainian might actually be winning.

  2. nobody-at-all-ever on

    I like the way RAF Rivet Joints now take their attack dogs out for walk when they are out and about soaking up Orc ‘intelligence’.

    Typhoons make russian jets look like flying scrap metal and they even missed when they fired a missile at the RAF in October 2022.

  3. Little-Buffalo-6595 on

    The Russians shouldn’t complain. The RAF took a squadron of hurricanes into Russia in the Second World War to help them out against the Nazis

  4. Russia is running out of threats.. And their nuclear capable ICBM’s, are blowing up on the launch pads… What are they gonna do?

    Russia shouldn’t have invaded Ukraine.. They’ve exposed how poor their Army is, and that scary Soviet stock-pile is running out.