Higgins accuses Israeli embassy of leaking letter


Posted by badger-biscuits


  1. BarFamiliar5892 on

    The letter was absolutely appalling in the first place, writing like that to the president of a despotic regime, but now whinging that people got to see the letter in the first place? Pathetic.

    Edit – and blaming this on Israel? ***You*** wrote the letter dipshit.

  2. NothingHatesYou on

    The letter was written in his capacity as President of Ireland. It’s not like it was private correspondence in his capacity of a private citizen. He or his office would want to be able to furnish evidence

  3. I would appreciate it if the Mossad agent in An Post would actually deliver my shite once he’s done scoping out Miggledy’s pen pals.

  4. NothingHatesYou on

    I’m reading that back when it first became public, the letter was published on an Iranian government website.

    So, Michael D wants us to believe Israel leaked it to……. Iran, the government to whom 1) Israel are famously allies with (/s), and 2) the government to whom Michael D issued the letter so it would have been in their possession?

  5. RandomUsername600 on

    It’s a very bad look for the president to make this accusation without evidence, it makes him look even worse than when the letter first leaked. The issue isn’t that we read it, it’s that he wrote it.

  6. His actions in the office have been nothing but disgraceful. He should resign before he brings down the reputation of the high office.

  7. Why the fuck is he writing letters to authorian regimes. First Castro’s eulogy and now this nonsense.

  8. I’m so sick of him getting a pass because some people naively view him as a lovable rogue or some good statesman. He’s taking liberties with the office of the president based on his own ideological perspectives, which he should not be doing and we’d be flipping out in any other circumstance.

    Whether you approve of Israel or not, he has completely fabricated his claims. Its well documented and available online that the Iranian embassy published it, and then it just started circulating across the internet. Added to that, why is he concerned if it was leaked, are these letters he’s writing not supposed to be representative of the Irish state and its people, why would he not want them public?

    So all this is, is another emotional lash out, which allows Israel and others to point and say ‘there’s Ireland, getting it completely wrong because they’re so wrapped in their blind hate for Israel.’ It just continues to erode our legitimacy when we take missteps like this.

  9. BarFamiliar5892 on

    Given the Iranian embassy posted the letter on twitter, this seems like nothing more than an antisemitic conspiracy theory. What on earth is he on about?

  10. Ok_Perception3180 on

    Call me a negative Nancy but regardless of Israel’s atrocities, it’s not a good look for our President to be writing pen pal letters to the leader of an Islamofacist country that is “privately” funding terrorism and is in a proxy war with the West.

    Higgins is our equivalent of the Queen. He should keep his mouth shut more. Not always of course, but this is a prime example of him overstepping the mark.

  11. I’m not seeing why publication of the letter is a issue.  In my opinion, it’s a good thing.  We should all show solidarity with the beleaguered nations of the Middle East that have been besieged by Israel and NATO for decades.