First autonomous bus in Vilnius, Lithuania

Posted by Arnukas


  1. G3PDehydrogenase on

    I’m all for sustainability and stuff, but damn, this seems like an extremely inefficient means of public transport. I get that it’s probably experimental, but still.

  2. AttTankaRattArStorre on

    That might be the single ugliest vehicle I’ve seen in my entire life, was that necessary?

  3. Yeah we had one of those going around a university campus here in Sweden in like 2019. I once saw it panic brake for a magpie. I laughed, and haven’t seen it for years since.

    Good luck.

  4. Mixed operation of autonomous and human driven vehicles will never work. The autonomous vehicles will behave extremely defensive on the road and the human drivers will bully them and taking advantage on them.

  5. Uhmm … Luxembourg called . We had one years ago linking an area for people to take … wait for it … an autonomous funicular.

  6. I like it, despite the memers and haters here. What I’m looking forward to is a retrospective after 3, 6 and 12 months of service. To determine its acceptance, feasibility and such.