South Dublin residents crowdfund €13k in two weeks to launch High Court case against council’s social housing plan

Posted by Static-Jak


  1. More of the I live here so you cant crowd. Afraid their +10% a year valuations might be affected. Dont want any of those who might need social housing in our area making it smelly.

    The Nimbiest of NIMBYism and Knocklyon FFS where all the wealthy crims live

  2. Pathetic folks that like to sneer on those struggling including their kids and grandkids. The value of their property gained in many cases through sheer luck is their primary measurement of self worth.

    The ladders have been pulled up. Odious, wretched fools.

  3. I’m so confused.
    We need more house….oh but not here.

    Why is it allowed to not build there but to build a fuck load of apartments in Ballyfermot when the place it bursting. With not added infrastructure or amenities.

  4. Sadly this is the predictable outcome if any state body will try to build social housing. And due to the very strict guideline and laws around planning permissions they will find something to object against.

  5. That social housing development looks awful.  Also it’s just being disingenuous to suggest that social housing doesn’t bring social problems with it – often. 

    It’s perfectly natural for these people to want to prevent it being built.

    I’m not saying it’s great or good.  Just that it’s human.

  6. Planning laws need to be changed ASAP. It’s not just FFG sustaining the housing crisis. It’s pricks like this all over the country.

    I’m sure some of them would have plenty to say about others protesting about IPAS centers, too

    Some of these people will shout about supporting palestine, etc, but actively work against the more disadvantaged in Irish society for their own personal gain. Morally bankrupt NIMBYs.

  7. Good.

    Would you want 50 feral Dublin inner city kids next door.

    Wearing black hoodies and breaking everything in sight.?

  8. IntentionFalse8822 on

    Everyone of them should be publicly named and shamed and made to explain their reasoning in front of a public inquiry.