1. But Orange Hitler is soaring in the hate, cruelty and victimhood categories. So his MAGA base is safe.

  2. I don’t like Kamala but I fucking despise Trump and am scared of what he’s capable of. So she has my vote.

  3. Quirky_Cheetah_271 on

    clickbait bullshit. No, her favorability has not soared to historic levels.

    What is historic is how sharply she has risen in popularity. She is now roughly 50.1-49.9 in favorability, where before she was like -20.

    I hate articles like this, because when i talk to uninformed friends who see headlines like this theyre like “oh durr shes obviously gonna win, right?? i saw an article saying shes for sure going too!!”

    enough with the clickbait bullshit!!!! its not helpful!!!

  4. That’s encouraging news, but let’s all do our part to put the Trump cult down for good this November.

  5. GrumpyOlBastard on

    First of all, 5 points is fuck all, secondly, pools are useless crap. Remember 2016 and fucking vote

  6. Well, now that she’s doing more press, as Fox said she needs to do, people are learning more about her and are liking it.

  7. LankyGuitar6528 on

    “This represents a remarkable 16-point turnaround, marking the largest favorability increase for any politician measured by NBC since George W. Bush following the September 11 attacks.” That’s forking huge.

  8. Oh man, how? Trump has offered us so much and is so calm, presidential, smart, and offers a positive future

  9. NOW GET OUT AND VOTE FOR HARRIS/WALZ. We don’t need another 2016. Vote out all the MAGA morons down the ballot.

  10. We have to vote in massive numbers and let’s win the electoral votes and popular votes. Harris/Walz 2024 and blue up and down the ballot.

  11. BIGGUS_dickus_sir on

    What blows my mind is that they say she slept her way to the top. Which is really weird considering all of her jobs besides McDonald’s, she had to get millions of people to vote for her to get into those positions. Donald Trump was even one of her supporters in California. So she slept her way through the 80 million or so people who voted for her on the Biden Harris ticket?

    I’m really confused by the misogyny. How does one sleep their way to the second highest elected position in the country? By sleeping with all 80 million people who voted for her? I mean, I voted for her and worked for their campaign the last time and the work I put in to see them being elected is insulting to have it written off that my efforts mean nothing because she apparently slept her way into office, never mind those of us who put the effort in to see that happen.

  12. Coolioissomething on

    The one thing Star Wars got right was the appeal of the dark side. People love to dance in the hate and negativity. It gives some soulless fucks real joy to utterly hate and fear others. MAGA dances in that hate.

  13. Hibercrastinator on

    Republicans are likely *not* planning to take office by getting more votes. They’ve said, and demonstrated, as much.

    What I would like to see, is mainstream Democrats speaking plainly and at the forefront about how to plan for that potential eventuality, and what we should do to prevent it, or contingency to block that action when it happens.

  14. Well, TBH, there’s no real competition.

    And honestly Tim Walz is an amazing choice for VP. I hope they can carve out a public-facing substantive role for him.

    Vote blue.