Cuckservatives don’t know the difference between president and vice president. Sad.

Posted by Candid-Patient-6841


  1. BluesSuedeClues on

    He certainly tried on January 6, 2021. He tried and he failed, but we should totally give him another chance.

  2. I mean, he did. It was measurably substantially worse in hundreds of different ways in 2020 compared to 2016. The country right now is a giant cluster-fuck and he’s 100% responsible for that.

  3. The fall of Roe and Chevron, which he’s responsible for, are steps on the way to destroying the country. It’s just not immediate.

  4. AtomicTransmission on

    Have we heard of congress and the courts or do those branches of government not exist in this imaginary scenario?

  5. Candid-Patient-6841 on

    For the ones that didn’t read the header. Yes trump was horrible. I am referring to the dorks on the other side that say “he was the best and you can’t take covid into an account” then switch to “what has she done” like they will take no blame for the way the virus was made political BY HIM or that we had the largest unemployment since Hoover. But they wanna know what Kamala has done while vice president…….like these nimrods think she has just as much power as the president. But fine as vice president she has cast more tie breaking votes than any other VP.

  6. spacemanspiff288 on

    1.2 million people, the equivalent of WY and VT combined, died from covid because of how badly he fucked up our response to it and then embraced it as a hoax for his own ego, so, i dunno, i think he did a pretty good job at fucking things up.

  7. He did damn near destroy the country. A million Americans died as a result of his malfeasance and incompetence.

    Also, I guess we should just blame all of that on mike pence if it’s Kamala Harris’s fault that Biden didn’t execute her policy preferences.

    One underlying rule to all repug propaganda is that it’s stupid. It’s not just ignorant. It’s really fucking stupid.

  8. Trump damaged the USA and left landmines and crazy GOP behind for the White House to fight through. The economy is robust. Trump would have, and will, if given another chance, destroy democracy and make us the 1880s USA with oligarchs killing off the workers and stealing all the money.

  9. The MAGAts who claim to love the Constitution should read it sometime, then they’d learn the only Constitutional power the VP has is breaking ties in the Senate. Which, while Harris has done that more than any previous VP, can do very little to cleanup TFG’s mess.

  10. Why haven’t you fixed the vase I threw against the wall this morning before I stormed off to work.

    Also the meme could easily be flipped around. It really presumes that everything is a disaster right now and it also presumes that the damage Trump inflicted was not catastrophic and it also assumes that during a 2nd Trump term we would see a repeat of the first time in terms of cheap food/fuel and no catastrophe.

    The meme only means anything to rabid fox viewers.

  11. How can they say so many wrong things in so little text? Its always hard to know what to respond.

    >”Its pretty simple”

    Do you want us to keep thinking you are all idiots? That line doesn’t really help….

    >If he was going to destroy the country, he had 4 years

    Do they understand how insane that sounds?

    “Trust us, Trump isn’t going to destroy America more than last time. Because else he would have destroyed it more already last time. Don’t look at the big project 2025 plan to destroy America!!”

    How is that going to convince anyone to vote for Trump who wasn’t already in his cult?

    Still not understanding that they aren’t running against Biden anymore is a small issue compared to the rest imho

  12. dennismfrancisart on

    M’Effer did screw the country in four years. The miracle is that Biden brought us back from the brink in 3.5.

  13. Over a million dead, wealth inequality skyrocketed, our government institutions are weaker and more fragile than ever before, the next election is basically a referendum on democracy and human rights themselves…

    To be honest, if Trump wasn’t incredibly stupid and incompetent, he could have progressed faster and won then and there. But all anyone near him talks about is how much of a child he is, and how utterly idiotic he is. We were saved by his own idiocy. As well, we were saved because our institutions somehow weathered the storm, with some good people trying to stop him.

    With Round 2, that might not be the case. More people will know how easy it is to manipulate Trump, and the hardcore conservatives know who they have to replace / get rid of if they want their plans to proceed.

  14. None of these idiots seem to remember that covid killed almost a million Americans thanks to Trump and his policies. It was literally all they cared about at the time, and then *poof*, they forgot it even happened.

  15. masterfulnoname on

    So they admit Trump never wanted to help the country since he had 4 years to fix it and didn’t do it? Or does that time not count for some reason?

  16. deepmindfulness on

    I demand to see what Mike Pemce accomplished. (although he did kind of save the democracy right at the end there…)

  17. He did a ton of damage. Put three unqualified hacks on the Supreme Court. Cut taxes for the rich while increasing them for the working class. Cut endless wildlife and environmental protections. And destroyed public trust in the democratic process by not accepting the results of the 2020 election.

    And that was with some guard rails intact. If he gets another term he will appoint sycophants from the start.

  18. Only one time in my life did we ever have to ration toilet paper and it wasn’t Obama or Biden’s fault.

  19. Rightwing humor is always dishonest.

    He tried to destroy the country, we were saved by his crippling incompetence.

  20. He did. Manufacturing fell, horrible oil deals, roe v wade, had to bail out agriculture to the tune of 32 BILLION, worse job growth in decades, largest debt increases for any president, world leaders laughing at us, surrendered to the Taliban and released all the prisoner, the list goes on and on

  21. everythingbeeps on

    It’s pretty simple.

    If he was going to fix the country, he had 4 years.

    If she was going to destroy it, she’s had 3 1/2 years.

    Weird how that works.

  22. It took me only 5 minutes to demolish a house

    Why does it take you more than a year to fix it?

    Checkmate liberals /s

  23. These people can’t remember what 2020 was like. Nor do they remember January 6 when they did actively try to destroy democracy. 

  24. Sad-Status-4220 on

    Ask anyone in any area of the government when trump was in office, and they will tell you they are still fixing shit he messed up. Not from him doing anything, but the lack of him doing anything. He failed to fill hundreds of upper level positions.

    This time will be worse, can you imagine the low quality of people he will bring into office, becauseanyonewith half sn IQ will not work for him. It’s frightening.

  25. Time-Werewolf-1776 on

    Not only is she not the president, but if Trump were going to fix the country, he already had 4 years. What did he do with it?

    Well let’s compare the state the country was in when he took office and what state it was in when he left. When to entered office, the economy was pretty good and continuing to go up. We were relatively at peace, and things were, all things considered, pretty good and heading in a good direction.

    When he left, everyone hated each other, the US was a laughingstock around the world, crime was up and rising, a million Americans were dead from a pandemic, the economy was in the toilet, Trumpflation was starting to kick in, the Supreme Court was destroyed by corruption, and we had the first major insurrection in modern times. The halls of Congress were covered in shit. Pretty much everything was a disaster.

    The delusional cult must either be stupid or have a really bad memory.