Kamala Harris Has Biggest Favorability Jump Since George W. Bush After 9/11



  1. Vice President Kamala Harris got some very welcome news on Sunday in the form of a new NBC News poll that found her leading Donald Trump by five points nationally. But perhaps the most significant finding in the survey of 1,000 likely voters conducted from Sept. 13-17 is her massive increase in popularity since taking over for Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee in July.

    Compared to July, when Harris had a 32% approval and 50% disapproval rating (nearly identical to Biden), the new poll finds 48% of respondents view her positively and 45% negatively. The three point net positive approval stands in sharp contrast to Trump’s net negative 13 point result that has remained static over the same period.

    As NBC News National Political Correspondent—and data geek—Steve Kornacki and Meet the Press host Kristen Welker explained on Sunday, that 16 point turnaround is the largest favorability increase for any politician NBC has measured since George W. Bush after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

  2. Can’t fake that kinda funk, yall!

    Looking better and better by the day.

    Now we just gotta vote Blue in overwhelming numbers.

  3. account_for_yaoi on

    I think that her relative hiddenness(as is the case for most Veeps) before running made people cast a ‘default’ vote of unapproval in the polls. Now that she’s in the spotlight, people can easily learn about her temperament and politics.

  4. Polls don’t vote, people do. The Democrats and democracy need us to turn up in Nov to end Trump’s stoppable march to America’s destruction. VOTE Harris/Walz 2024 please. Harris is competent and smart by not taking voters for granted. She needs our well earned support.

    >And yet, the Harris team is not taking anything for granted. In response to the poll results, which still fall within the margin of error, top Harris campaign adviser Brian Fallon tweeted, Still an underdog in this race.

  5. Just another data point, along with the ridiculous fundraising numbers, that point to an actual landslide.

    You can’t convince me this thing is as close as 2020. You can’t.

  6. The polls have been moving steadily in her favor over time. There have been a few bumps and jigs and jags, but the overall trend, since she first entered the race, has been a gradual but undeniable shift in her favor.

    Lots of things can still happen, but her campaign has been unusually skillful, and she has navigated every challenge effectively so far.

    I’m reasonably optimistic she will do well in November. I wish I could say the same about the election process itself. But it’s best to approach that imminent chaos from a position of strength, and Harris seems to be accomplishing that.

  7. onceinawhile222 on

    I don’t understand. Donald has clearly communicated his message to America. Another Marxist, Communist. Fascist, Islamic, racist, Buddhist and vegetarian poll just to make Donald look bad.

  8. Well, the orange chicken had a 9/11 death toll daily for a long time.

    I guess it makes sense that she would get the boost.

  9. Zealousideal-Day7385 on

    No surprise her favorables are rising as people see more of her. I think Harris is a warm and likable presence and her decision to focus on things like joy and moving forward past the chaos are no doubt starting to reasonate.

    Honestly, I wish Kamala was leading by 20…but pragmatically speaking? I’m strangely okay that the polls are so tight.

    I think this election will be decided on which candidate does better with turnout- and hopefully tight polls will prevent people from feeling like Harris has this in the bag and not bothering to vote. Complacency is the enemy of progress.

  10. GrafZeppelin127 on

    If she pulls this off, the Biden/Kamala handoff will be seen as one of the most deft political maneuvers in U.S. election history.

  11. Every single media outlet. All of them. Every graph no matter the subject is “nEcK AnD neCk”. Sick and tired of it.

  12. oldwestprospector on

    Good. I hope she wins by a landslide and it’s a complete surprise for maga dipshits.

    I want a Harris/Walz sign but need a camera on it first, chances of it gettinga vandalized or stolen in my small Iowa town is too great. I know other people feel the same, we don’t need to brandish flags and our candidate’s shit everywhere. We show our support at the ballot box.

  13. This is good, but do not get complacent. Keep donating to the Democrats. Hillary Clinton lost the election even though she was winning in the polls and won the popular vote. The Electoral College puts the Democrats at a disadvantage.

  14. Independent-Bug-9352 on

    Side note since he’s referenced in this article, but Brian Fallon who was press secretary to Clinton’s campaign being a senior advisor to Harris… Concerns me if I’m being honest. I recall him being a total douche in 2016 and missing the mark. Oh well, hoping for the best.

  15. That’s nice and I don’t care, voting for her and would vote for anyone or anything before I would vote for what ever the hell Trump is

  16. In both cases, these approval changes were a reflection of what the public saw as meeting the moment; being tossed unexpectedly into a surprising and unprecedented circumstance and doing what was seen as a good job. 

    Obviously Bush made a lot of decisions at that time that are retroactively viewed as mistakes or outright lies, but people didn’t see that at the time. 

  17. elliottbaytrail on

    The debate was a critical moment: she showed she was calm, assertive, and presidential. The fact that Trump was melting down live, to the point where even his most fervent supporters said the debate was at best “tied” (it was not), served as a beautiful contrast to Harris’ poise.

    Want to know which of the two can be manipulated easily by Putin and nefarious billionaires? Just look at who took every nugget of bait on that debate stage.

  18. “Compared to July, when Harris had a 32% approval and 50% disapproval rating (nearly identical to Biden), the new poll finds 48% of respondents view her positively and 45% negatively. The three point net positive approval stands in sharp contrast to Trump’s net negative 13 point result that has remained static over the same period. ”

    This further underscores how Harris still has room to grow, while Trump is probably already at his most favorable.

  19. TheElderScrollsLore on

    If anything will cause her to lose, it’ll be stuff like this.

    Folks, none of this matters if you don’t actually go and vote.

  20. blessed_by_fortune on

    Anyone that loves democracy, law, order, human rights, and decency, will clearly favor the prosecutor, over the felon.

  21. Designer_Buy_1650 on

    Unfortunately this doesn’t mean votes. Her deficit with men in Pennsylvania could be her downfall. This needs to be addressed immediately. She changes this deficit and she’s president.

  22. Makes sense. People looked to Bush after a disaster because he was in a leadership position. People are looking to Harris to prevent a disaster because she has leadership qualities.

  23. Vote Democrat the entire ballot.
    The last decade has shown their true colors.
    Never vote for the GOP again.

  24. Who cares? Stop posting polls, they literally don’t matter for either side. At most they matter for the campaign itself to decide tactics, that’s it. Not for voters/us

  25. No_Translator2218 on

    I was really nervous when Biden dropped….. Now I feel much more relaxed, but I do hope people vote and not end up like Hillary….

    We all must vote. I have my two genz daughters registered and ready, but its just 3 of us here.

  26. Yeah, that’s called propaganda. It’s what happens when the corporate media tells you someone is the second coming non-stop for 2 months. Y’all have just chosen to forget how truly repulsive she is because she’s going up against Trump. I hope that Oprah interview reminded everyone what a vacuous, empty headed politician she is.

  27. At the end of the day, she’s still a politician. And we all know exactly what they’re good at: stabbing their voters in the back and being just about useless at fulfilling their empty promises. She’s not a liberal, she’s a moderate disguising herself as one. Look at Biden. Look at his politics. Next to Trump he looks left. But take Trump away? Middle and center as clear as day.

    Also, she never gives straight answers. Always deflecting or talking with buzzwords or talking about her “middle class” upbringing. Look. I get it. It feels good to have a candidate that’s mentally coherent. But some of you are just glazing her at this point. Like swifties but for politics. The irony of (white billionaire who literally isn’t affected by politics) Taylor Swift endorsing her isn’t lost on me.

    We need someone who’s actually progressive. Not someone masquerading as it.