Trump, Once The Man Who Couldn’t Be Bought, Is Now Up For Sale


  1. He’s been for sale since day one. As president he even busted about all the favors that he’s doing for people to help them get elected. He’s a con man He’s always been a con man.

  2. He’s always been for sale. The man is very transactional and very egotistical. Both make him easily swayed by money.

  3. Additional_Tea_5296 on

    He sold classified documents by the dozens to his boyfriend Kim Jung Un and his master Putin.

  4. Icy-Needleworker-492 on

    When was the time when he couldn’t be bought? He’d sell you his first born if you offered enough.

  5. Traditional_Key_763 on

    who ever said that? Trump was being licensed for steaks, sham universities, various ridiculous hotels across the country, international resorts, various money laundering operations….

  6. They all play this man like a fiddle. Complement him, call him sir, with tears in your eyes and have a bag full of money, and you got him.

  7. HellovahBottomCarter on

    Let me fix that for you:

    “Trump, once the man who proclaimed he couldn’t be bought (in spite of the overwhelming evidence that this is exactly what he was his entire life), is now for sale without the false facade.”

  8. I am still curious about when Egypt paid him $10 mil to receive their sanctions and he did. That particular sale need to be investigated more.

  9. Couldn’t be bought?  His whole business plan is to sell his name.  He literally has only been successful at being bought. 

  10. UsefulImpact6793 on

    Lol he’s always been for sale. It’s literally his entire being is whoring for money in various ways. Zero integrity.

  11. RedLanternScythe on

    He’s just openly advertising being for sale.

    But let’s not pretend he’s the only politician who’s positions are dictated by donations

  12. Cute-Perception2335 on

    Dimestore Donnie found a loophole. Technically, he’s not for sale. He’s for rent. He’s theirs as long as the checks keep clearing.