Run the country like a business

Posted by gmryan3010


  1. BringBackApollo2023 on

    Anyone who can bankrupt **a fucking casino!!!!!**

    Jesus Fucking H Christ. My half blind cat could successfully run a casino just picking cat treats off the roulette wheel as a decision process.

  2. Virtual-Squirrel-725 on

    What’s insane about DJT is that it is still valued at $2.7 billion.

    It has no underlying value at all – it’s total dogshit.

    If Trump loses, this folds within days.

  3. Remember, Herbert Hoover was a successful businessman… And George W Bush… See what they did?

    The argument has NO valid support.

  4. CallMeClaire0080 on

    Honestly even a good businessman running the government like a business is a terrible idea because the latter is all about profit no matter the cost while a government is instead about providing for its people.

    That said, now pair up that bad idea with a bad businessman and bad execution…

  5. It’s almost, but not quite the lowest. If they can get it below 12 then it could be since stock started bring tracked.

  6. MuzzledScreaming on

    Even if he was *good* at business, a country is not a business. Running a country like a business is a terrible idea.

  7. A government is not a business and should never be treated as such. Leading a government requires a different executive skill set.

    We’re way past time to put this “run government like a business” nonsense to bed.