Weed and abortion on the ballot is what gives her a chance to win in Florida.
SuperstitiousPigeon5 on
Arizona is a lot closer and PA is still pretty close. Two states where the money is better spent.
Any-Ad-446 on
Abortion and cost of living has to be at the front of any policies dems needs to push to win…Its close in Florida and close in Texas. If they do win any of those states GOP is finished.
Castle-Fire on
If you want that landslide, then you should help us work for it. Write letters to encourage people to vote, do some phone banking or text banking, and remember to check and re-check your voter registration, since people are being purged in many swing states!
Always good practice to have ELECTION PROTECTION and/or CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION phone numbers in your contact list in case you encounter voting issues at any point.
Weed and abortion on the ballot is what gives her a chance to win in Florida.
Arizona is a lot closer and PA is still pretty close. Two states where the money is better spent.
Abortion and cost of living has to be at the front of any policies dems needs to push to win…Its close in Florida and close in Texas. If they do win any of those states GOP is finished.
If you want that landslide, then you should help us work for it. Write letters to encourage people to vote, do some phone banking or text banking, and remember to check and re-check your voter registration, since people are being purged in many swing states!
https://vote.gov/ to register to vote
Canvassing opportunities: https://swingleft.org/take-action?utm_medium=paid-search&utm_source=google-search&utm_term=canvass&utm_campaign=volunteeracquisition24&keyword=political%20canvassing%20volunteer&gclid=Cj0KCQjwi5q3BhCiARIsAJCfuZnV4ejB2pqZPWJTVs469utGyTi8GoJbzuFHpB5W3qUGrYfHSnxsrecaApFfEALw_wcB&s=u
Letter writing campaigns:
Phone banking
Writing Post Cards
Always good practice to have ELECTION PROTECTION and/or CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION phone numbers in your contact list in case you encounter voting issues at any point.
Election Protection is 866-687-8683 — https://866ourvote.org
Civil Rights Division is 800-253-3931 — https://civilrights.justice.gov/report
Won’t happen, Florida is Trump home base, he has too much influence over there.