Contenders for Czech architectural prize “Building/project of the year 2024”. Which would you vote for?

Posted by GPwat


  1. I don’t get what’s so nice about 3, 9, 10 and 12.
    1 looks like a set for Dune. 4 is my personal favorite and 17 and 18 look amazing too

  2. Wayoutofthewayof on

    Some of these will age pretty poorly I think. Remember some of those new buildings in the 90s that looked cool and futuristic and look like an eye sore today?

  3. Probably one of 5, 7, 10, 13 or 15. Leaning to 13 probably.

    The others feel like either tasteless blocks, or weird expensive-yet-not-functional stunts.

  4. FesteringAnalFissure on

    4 looking good.

    3 is looking incredibly generic though. Is there something I’m missing there?

  5. Some buildings just look like any other business park building (like the third one) or typical hotel/B&B accommodation.

    The modern ‘Hobbit hole’ one looks fantastic though.

  6. Careless_Aroma_227 on

    The architetcure at no.8 the **public swimming pool** is very impressive. The giant glass panorama looks stunning and the v-shaped racks are playing with the water surface, making it an “X” for spectators from above.

    Would love to watch a water polo match or a swimming competition in there.

  7. That hobbit house, it just looks very nice and cozy. Or the last one, because I haven’t seen whipped cream architecture before

  8. The Hobbit house is most attractive for me. The last one also is interesting but looks so out of place in that area (judging from the picture)

  9. 9 and 11, please don’t pervert the number‘s combination, but were the ones I found more „human“.

  10. I hate this generic ass clean style from 9, 12 popping up across the entire world. It makes every country look exactly the same and is devoid of any culture at all it just looks clean

    I would describe it as “clean warm clinical”