I attended two Trump rallies at the same North Carolina site, two years apart. Now, he is more desperate and diminished



  1. The guy is just barely holding it together. If it was anyone else I’d feel bad for him. But it isn’t, and I don’t.

  2. Virtual-Squirrel-725 on

    I’ve listened to a lot of his rallies and he is like a tired old lounge act now.

    The same old lines, delivered badly, to the same audience who really want him to be the man he once was.

    It would be sad if he wasn’t still an incredibly strong chance to lead the country

  3. DogsandCatsWorld1000 on

    Very interesting read. Tired or not he is still too darn close to getting reelected. Please vote blue. Not just for President. Control of both houses and state legislature is also important.

  4. usernames_suck_ok on

    He’s boring as hell now. Even Fox can’t hang anymore. Vance is more interesting, albeit in a “negative news” way.

  5. NoPreparationss on

    He’ll peak at around 47%, he doesn’t have much room to grow. But 47% is still 47% too high for this shit stain.

  6. I wish I understood why he’s “Desperate.” The guy is polling better in this cycle than he did in 2016 or 2020.

  7. >”We’re going to reach— and it’s my plan. I will talk to Elon, get those rocket ships going,” he said. “We want to reach Mars before the end of my term.”

    Not that he understands any of this, but there’s only two launch windows coming up, one in just over two years (extremely tight timing) and one right at the end of 2028, not arriving until mid-2029, so he’d struggle to take credit like he wants.

  8. Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making mistakes.

    I’m appreciating Harris’s campaign’s distance from press for as long as they can.

    Press is like hyenas, and Trump is the only meat around 🙂

  9. I’ll have you know, the man is an intellectual. How else could he have come up with that brilliant and comprehensive economic plan?

  10. Seriously, what dimension are we in? This is the candidate who was not encouraged to drop out of the race. 

  11. Objectively the Trump of today is NOWHERE near the Trump from 8 years ago. He’s gotten waaaay more petty, caustic, triggerable, and unhinged. He’s completely lost all ability to filter thoughts from just spraying out of his mouth. And has exchanged what used to be a kinda still somewhat entertaining level of edgelord humor for just a straight toxicly caustic and hateful vibe all around. Honestly I think the only thing making this race close is simple racism, gay hating, and christian nationalism; Trump heading the ticket is just an afterthought.

  12. I think he hit his peak in 2016. He is 78 years old and not getting any younger. He is aging quickly. It doesn’t help that all the stress from his court cases and the election is taking a toll on him.

  13. While I absolutely want to be done with him after 2024, can you imagine him running again in 2028? fox and everyone else saying “he’s not too old, healthiest candidate ever” in his 80s. One debate of insanely oldman trump, but he refuses to step down like Biden did.

  14. Funny how he’s talking about capping interest rates like it’s a problem in America, it’s not, the fed actually dropped interest rate this month to 6%. Interest rates are a problem for the Russian government though who just raised their federal interest rate to 19%

  15. Captain_SpaceRaptor on

    Trump is like viggo from Ghostbusters 2 and the negative slime are the people willing to vote for him.