Sunday Times Opinion Poll – FG (+5), FF (+4), SF (-9)

Posted by bytebullion


  1. cinclushibernicus on

    SF are at half what they were at their peak in terms of polling. Mary Lou surely has to be under pressure to step down as leader before the election is called

  2. marquess_rostrevor on

    I’m old enough to remember when SF were top of the tree by a mile.

    I’m only a toddler.

  3. boardsmember2017 on

    Interested to know who takes part in these polls? The polls associated with referendum were way off IIRC.

    If the polls results play out like that post election then we are not a serious bunch of people and deserve everything we get.

  4. SF really made a bollocks of it. Claiming to be an All ireland party but doing stuff in the north they wouldn’t do in the Republic

  5. SF only have themselves to blame. They failed to produced concrete policy in time, and when they did, it was hard to see daylight between them and the current government. No wonder the independents ate their lunch.

  6. It will be a great day when the public realise that polls carried out by The Irish Times, The Independent, and the Sunday Times aren’t worth a wank.

  7. Pointlessillism on

    Anyone saying this cannot possibly be true and it must be a fault of the polling needs to remember that SF got 11.8% of first prefs in the locals in June. 

  8. IntentionFalse8822 on

    Mary-Lou has to go this week. The poll numbers have been in freefall since her return from illness. This is basically the last chance before a post budget election. The party leadership can meet and mandate one candidate for the leadership so it could all be effectively done and dusted in a week.

  9. bipolarparadiseyt on

    I am in my mid twenties on the brink of emigration due to the housing and rent crisis, but tbf I am also no fan of SF. Does genuinely feel like this country goes in roundabouts though.

  10. Still going to vote for SF.

    I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again

    Is it SF fault for the housing crisis still not being anywhere near fixed? Is it SF fault for the most expensive hospital on the planet? Is it SF fault for the most expensive bike shed on the planet.

    They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome so in this case voting for FF or FG is technically insanity because they will not change at all.

  11. Wait till all the SF people who spent years telling everyone how important opinion polls are to now switch and say they are totally irrelevant

    In terms of opinion polls, if you go back FG before the last election had a huge percentage about 18 months out and it all came crashing down to the point they said they would spend a few years in opposition

    To be fair to the Greens they are still holding around 4-5% which is a lot better than I expected

  12. I don’t understand why SF is out of favor. Like do people really want to keep in the party’s that wasted billions in that mother and children hospital in Dublin… Don’t get me wrong, SF probably wouldn’t have done much better but I’d say it’s worth giving them a chance….

    Personally, there is no option on the table, in terms of political parties that I like. But FG and FF and the Greens have showing to be too much of a letdown for them to continue to be in coalition together imo. And the independents have proven to be too corruptable. (Referring to the whole national broadband tendering process as just one example)

    There is certainly no clear obvious party to vote for anymore but SF have never been in power before. Id say give them a shot. If at least to punish our existing government for their incompetence.