Saturn Image i captured tonight from Italy



    IMAGING SCOPE: Skywatcher 14” 350 Flextube

    IMAGING CAMERAS: Player one Mars-M II, ASI678MC

    MOUNT: Dobson GoTo AZ-Synscan

    BARLOWS: GSO 3x Barlow, Bresser 5x Barlow

    FILTERS: IR-PASS and IR/UV Cut by SVBony

    Omegon ADC


    Stacked in AS4!

    Processed IR-PASS and RGB Data separately

    Initial sharpening in Astrosurface

    Derotation in WinJUPOS

    Further Sharpening in Astrosurface

    Image adjustments in PS and PI


  2. So beautiful! Me and my husband are planning from some weeks now, to buy a Celestron Nexstar Evolution 8 to see obviously planets, constellations and deep space (my husband is an astrophysics passionate!).
    Later on maybe we will do astrophotography. We’re noobs, going to join a amateur astronomy club 😊. Do you have any advices for an amazing experience?
    Tku in advance 😊