Trump fan gets eight years for assaulting officers during Jan. 6 Capitol breach


  1. Silent-Resort-3076 on

    A Donald Trump supporter who assaulted law enforcement at the Capitol on Jan. 6, including a Capitol Police officer who he helped knock unconscious when her head slammed against a metal railing, was sentenced to eight years in federal prison on Thursday.

    >Stephen Chase Randolph, a 34-year-old Kentucky man, was originally identified after a [facial recognition search]( matched an image of him at the Capitol to a photo from his girlfriend’s Instagram page. He was convicted after a trial that took place last year on charges of felony civil disorder as well as assaulting an officer with a deadly or dangerous weapon and assaulting, resisting or impeding another officer.

    >Three of Randolph’s co-defendants — men who helped set off the initial breach of the Capitol perimeter — were also sentenced on Thursday: James Tate Grant to three years; Jason Benjamin Blythe to 30 months; and Paul Russell Johnson to five years of probation with intermittent confinement on weekends for the first year along with two additional years of home detention.

    >Another co-defendant named Ryan Samsel — who was [holding a giant flag portraying Trump as “Rambo”]( before he assaulted officers on Jan. 6 — will be sentenced on Feb. 4, 2025.

  2. If Trump is elected, he’ll pardon him and give him the Presidential Medal of Freedom. That’s how degenerate the nihilist Christian Conservatives are.

  3. DiarrheaMonkey- on

    I’ve stopped using “Trump supporter” or “Trump fan”. Let’s be realistic: Trump worshiper. They’re willing to ignore obvious reality 100% of the time based on what he says. That’s not a “fan”. If Taylor Swift said: “Republicans trade military secrets to the Chinese in exchange for fraudulent votes”, people who like her music and go to her concerts would not believe her. They’re not going to become violent and risk years in prison fighting that evil fraud that clearly doesn’t exist.

  4. These light sentences are helping no one. You so joyfully attacked the capital on Jan 6? You’re an enemy of the State and a traitor and should enjoy the full benefits found therein

  5. Still talking about Jan 6th as if a handful of idiots defines the whole party, why don’t yall focus on current politics. Prices and the border are out of control under biden Harris. Why excuse that and go back to this incident over and over

  6. Despite everything, you still have the fif amendment protections against self incrimination. Too bad you didn’t avail yourself of that and instead bragged about your crimes on social media.

  7. It’s amazing how the Democrats are now the party of law and order, standing on the side of the police, border security, and the FBI. The conservative conspiracy whack jobs have gone too far.

  8. Call me radical but I wish the Biden supporters and the Trump supporters would storm Washington DC with a million men and start protests and civil disobedience on a grand scale. Simply because the middle class in the USA is working harder and earning less than ever before. Crooked healthcare system, crooked everything… god bless America cuz were in big trouble

  9. Looks like he was sentenced for the harm caused to an officer.
    Taking part in attempted treason seems to be no problem.

  10. His victim, the one he knocked out, was Caroline Edwards. She was the brave officer who testified during the Jan 6 hearings that were televised. Glad they caught the scumbag.

  11. Heads up to the 14% of Magas planning to “resort to violence” if Trump loses the election. Trump will use you like toilet paper and when he loses, you will be stuck with shit!

  12. Eight years against their entire remaining lives when fear, anxiety, depression and sudden flash backs dog their existence. Not enough IMO.