It seems that Russia tried to test the RS-28 "Sarmat" ICBM, but the missile simply exploded in the launch shaft and left behind a huge crater at the training ground in Plesetsk, Arkhangelsk region

According to information from open sources, this is already the 4th unsuccessful launch of this missile. In general, the statistics for Russians in this regard are disappointing – 1 successful launch to 4 failures.


Posted by Hotrico


  1. Remember, this is the country that claims to be the direct rival and equivalent of the United States

  2. Pathetic, but what goes for Putin and his impotence goes for his missile program, premature and unsatisfying.

  3. AshelyWeinerdogowner on

    i just learned that sarmat is supposed to mean samaratin, as in good samaratin. Not sure how a possibly nueclear missile can in any way be caracterized as a person aiding a broken homeless person back to health in their own home providing food and a bit of money when it came time so say their farewells. I guess conservatives/ fascists the world over sure love to basterize the actually good morals the bible held. I guess thats why nato calls it Satan.

  4. I’m wondering, in case of nuclear war, how many of their launched missiles never leave territory of russia and explode there, like 5 of 6?

  5. US was spending almost as much as the entire Russian defense budget per annum just for the maintenance of our nukes, before 2020. Russian clowns threatening the west with their nuke is a bad joke.