LNP announces early intervention school plan to prevent at-risk young people entering a life of crime

Posted by 2littleducks


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  2. $10 million per school? It costs $1 million to build one demountable when a local school requested one in 2022. I’m guessing it’s more than that now.

    Funding is one thing, curriculum, staff and location are going to be pretty crucial.

    Early intervention is a great idea but also a lot of intervention isn’t needed if a lot of other things are accounted for beforehand.

    1) Are the parent/s stably employed. Are are they working themselves so busy just to make ends meet they can’t be at home a lot?
    2) Is housing/rent/homelessness a problem?
    3) Is substance abuse an issue?
    4) Do the parents/carers value education?
    5) Is food security/nutrition a problem?
    6) Is there an undiagnosed disability?
    7) Does their mainstream school have enough support (volunteers, specialist teacher aides etc)

    I’m all for discussing solutions but this is a headline grabbing announcement that lacks any substance because the LNP is claiming to be able to solve problems with simple solutions and life is not that simple.