National children’s hospital to seek damages from construction firm BAM over further delays

Posted by badger-biscuits


  1. Bad oversight from the governing body. Builders should have been penalized for every delays on every govt projects.

  2. Getting the lawyers involved is a surefire way of reducing costs. With that said I hope they take them to the cleaners.

  3. The BAM statement also noted that the NPHDB had recently told the Public Accounts Committee that at the end of April 2024 “it had issued 23,283 revised design drawings to BAM following this initial technical submission exercise”.

    Imagine how much work had to be changed over that.

  4. ShouldHaveGoneToUCC on

    When I was in college, I funded myself by working as a bartender, which once involved bartending at a BAM function.

    In all my years, I never once experienced customers having the obnoxiousness that BAM had that evening. They treated the hospitality staff as subhuman.

    It’s been a good few years since I worked as a bartender but I always relish seeing BAM get hauled over the coals in the media.

  5. The high court has found that most of the delays are with the client – the HSE – making changes to the spec.

    Who would be surprised by that ? The HSE is an enormous waste of money – stunning sums of cash for abysmal results.

    Urgently in need of a complete start from scratch.

    We need a directly elected individual to be “HSE Czar” for five years to literally dictate terms to the HSE outside of the scope of weak governments capitulating to vested HSE interests again and again and again.

    1.8 billion is buttons to HSE overruns of on average 500 million a year on a 14 billion euro budget.