1. What are we even doing at this point?? If the government doesn’t give a shit about serious matters like this then lets just join America and become ~5 additional states

  2. Of course there wouldn’t be. This is as per Justin’s direction, as was ordered to him by his bosses in Beijing.

  3. No charges for interference in a liberal political environment, oh who would have thought………😒

  4. plushie-apocalypse on

    When everyone has skeletons in their closet, no one is willing to speak out in fear of bringing attention to themselves. Canada now shares this honour with the likes of the CCP. In my parent’s country, Taiwan, we often put politicians in jail for corruption, regardless of their political affiliation (includes former president from current government’s party and an active investigation against a different party’s leader). This is helped by the fact that there is a detached government body named the Control Yuan which investigates political corruption. Pity Canada doesn’t have this.

  5. hey, so this headline is absurdly misleading, since it ignores the fact that it was investigated, and while there was some evidence, there wasn’t enough for a conviction, also, “unseat” implies that it was on the federal level to kick him off, when in reality he just lost to a left leaning candidate in 2021, on top of that, the people interviewed for this case refused to give the names of the voters who were allegedly contacted by china which is sus as hell, it seems like the only actual evidence is he said she said, and a some public posts online that might possibly have been from chinese accounts

    he also then blamed AI, despite AI not really being a widespread thing in 2019 or 2021

  6. Chiu’s constituents are mostly not Xi’s fans.

    And they are not stupid to vote for Chiu.