David McWilliams: Ireland is ‘dangerously lopsided’. Galway and Limerick are essential to its future


Posted by That_Technician_439


  1. Comfortable-Can-9432 on

    An entire article saying that Ireland is too Dublin centric and in terms of solutions, we should plan to invest regionally.

    Thanks David, a badly needed insight that hasn’t been common knowledge for at least half a century.

  2. What about moving Dublin Port to Balbriggan? He hasn’t published that article in the last five minutes so it’s about time he did it again

  3. I think most of us are on the same page here.

    Investment in infrastructure and public services is massively behind where it should be. Despite our population ballooning since independence, much of our infrastructure hasn’t changed much – and our rail network has regressed massively in that time period.

    We need investment across the nation. As much as Dublin needs it too, it’s worth noting our motorway and rail network is Dublin-centric and it has the only rapid transit and light rail – and is due to have the only metro – in the country. If you think Dublin is bad, oh boy… Try going on a public transport trip down the West coast.

  4. Character-Gap-4123 on

    Galway is doing much better than Waterford. They even overtook our population in the 1970s, manged to get a full university too.

  5. We need motorways which form a triangle – M25, M20, and M24 linking south east, south and mid west. We need expanded ports capacity air and sea, we need railways with more than a ghost schedule which do not involve Dublin.

    We need a full university for the south east rather than a desperately underfunded restricted TU.

  6. Lamass said that fuckin aaaaages ago, woulda been handy to do something about it then but that might have involved stationing civil servants further away from the k club than they were willing to drive