We waited “a little too long to slow down” immigration, Miller admits.



  1. I think they waited just as long as they wanted. They know they’re on the way out and the next government is going to waste all their years in charge trying to undue this mess and all the repercussions that pop up because of it.

  2. Automatic-Bake9847 on

    What he means is they didn’t care about the impacts, they waited too long because people caught on and got pissed off.

  3. He knew the consequences and still was reckless with security, this traitor let in who knows how many bad guys.

  4. New-Midnight-7767 on

    Okay so what are you going to do about it? Because right now the half measures aren’t going to undo the years of mass immigration.

  5. As if they ever intended to slow it down, or that they wouldn’t crank it right back up again if they manage to get back in after the next election.

  6. Waited too long? They kept speeding it up the entire time. You can’t floor it through a red light and then say you waited too long to slow down two blocks later

  7. I thought with the bureaucracy being 40% bigger and the many consultants we’re hiring, we would have waited a little less. But what do I know.

  8. “Sure we haven’t cared what Canadians thought of our brain-dead policies for the last decade, but now that people hate us, and we’ve tanked in the polls, I guess we will pull it back a bit and try to survive as a political party.” 🎉

  9. Had to get the unemployment rate high enough to stop labor from asking for raises. Ole Marky boy didn’t want his buddies to cut into their profits.

    He also had to keep the housing bubble from popping due to this government making it the single largest percentage of our GDP.

    You know that your government has done an awful job when they have to bring in millions of people to stabilize the economy that they built.

  10. BrainEatingAmoeba01 on

    “oh golly gee, shucks guys…sorry about fckin the country but we’re cute ditzy sunshine liberals…you can’t stay mad at a puppy can you?”

    I fckn hate PP and giving him a gov makes my skin crawl but these Liberal party morons need to go home and lick windows.

  11. Of course he says that, now that his party’s re-election chances are nil and his personal re-election chances are suddenly far from certain. They’re not worried about the uncontrolled immigration, far from it in fact, they’re worried because the general public got mad at them. And so they’re desperately trying to escape from the mess they made, and the closer we get to an election, the greater their desperation will be.

  12. If these fucking idiots are too stupid to realize the consequences of their policies and hear what Canadians have been screaming at them for years then surely they need to recognize that they’re not fit to govern this country.

  13. The amount of people that came to canada in the last year was about half of what the whole EU had.. and the EU has a population of 400+ million, we have 41 mil… and someone thought this was sustainable?

  14. also this problem wont be solved at all unless the government does mass deportations. That’s the only true way out of it. I doubt any gutless Canadian government will do that. We are screwed.

  15. Hefty-Station1704 on

    Excuses and a weak rationale; two things Canadians could have easily predicted.

    Regardless of who’s elected you can count on those with money and influence have every intention of keeping the Century Initiative charging along at full speed. The flood of immigrants may slow slightly for a few months so the media can claim everything is just fine and the crisis is over but we’ll all see, by following the numbers, that it’s business as usual because that’s what big business demands. Politicians are counting on their generous “contributions” to stay comfortable so don’t count in the will of the people ever being their main consideration.

  16. Just to put it into perspective… According to Stats Can population clock, Canada is at 41.7 million people. Just last June (2023), Canada had reached 40 million.

  17. I mean yeah if you wait until unemployment numbers (especially for young Canadians) start exploding and your polling numbers goes to zero you did wait too long.