Can we not stop binging even for a second?

Posted by Inevitable-Menu2998


  1. Significant-Roll-138 on

    The irony of you zooming in and having to hold your phone still to get that photo is spectacular.

  2. Id have no problem with straight to jail for these people this is beyond reckless and dangerous.

    And banning people from driving doesn’t seem a deterrent given the amount that get caught without a license 

  3. Can’t understand why people are giving you grief over this. Even if what you did was illegal as well, it was at a red light and to catch someone being way more egregious in front of you. And yet people are hounding you, and not a single comment about the person in front. This is why things are the way they are. This and the whole shure will be grand attitude.

  4. It’s absolutely terrifying to see the addiction to phones in drivers. Every single time I’m on the road I’m seeing distracted driving from dopes on phones. The fuckers running red lights are bad enough and they’ve a match in the fuckers unaware of a change to green because they’re stuck in the phone.