Wah, wah, wah.



  1. Responsible_Swim_319 on

    His advisers are more than likely relieved. Prior debate they told him to stay on point and as we all know that dick squeeze couldn’t help but throw their advice out into the garbage. Which is fitting because that piece of shits gonna be living in the trash. Call him Oscar.

  2. Ornery-Ticket834 on

    The ship is running aground or getting ripped by rocks with sharp teeth. He wants to still have enough votes to claim the election was stolen, so he has to back off and cross his fingers.

  3. Unfriendly_eagle on

    Flabby, cowardly Don Dingus knows his imbecilic carny act is flailing. He has no new material, he’s floundering, and he’s fuming about it. He assumed he’d be cruising over Sleepy Joe by now, doing his wiggle dances and braying about how amazing he is, but now he has to work for it, which is the worst possible position for him to be in.

  4. Sad-Kaleidoscope-390 on

    I could only imagine how the media would’ve torn Biden apart if he was still running not willing to debate

  5. Admirable-Sink-2622 on

    Well, it’s not too late for changes to voting laws in states, so why would this be too late? 🐓

  6. hamilton_burger on

    Nobody ever did as good as Harris when it comes to debating Trump. Literally not a single other person.

  7. Iamthewalrusforreal on

    In 2024, Oct. 23rd is “too late.”

    In 2020, the last debate was on Oct. 22nd.

    Donold is scared of the black woman.

  8. No-Personality5421 on

    Because he wants it publicly known he’s a coward that got spanked in the only debate he dared have against her, it’s his kink. 

    Or, he’s been hallucinating that he’s debated her at least a dozen times, and each time there was a full audience that cheered after everything he said because he’s senile as hell.