Re-opened Three Mile Island will power AI data centers under new deal


  1. I have a love/hate reaction to this. I live about 50 miles from TMI. I do not fear them melting down and I do not think reactor 1 should have been turned off. I do, however, not want them turned on just to export the power out of the area. Is Microsoft planning to bring data centers to the area?

    I appreciate that this would be without government assistance, but the idea of them bringing reactor 1 back online seemed like a good idea to assist in the power grid in PA…

  2. Bangkok_Dangeresque on

    AI centers are fast becoming objects of national security concerns that will need to be physically hardened against foreign adversaries. Powering them with nuclear (which is inevitable given the pace of scaling in their power requirements) increases the complexity and severity of those defensive requirements.

    We’re not far from having nuclear-powered AI data clusters in concrere underground sites, defended by anti-air batteries, anti-personnel measures, and surveillance drones.

    I don’t want to say Skynet, but…

  3. Idk why everyone is annoyed about how the energy is being used.

    It’s just good that they’re promoting nuclear.

    Energy is going to be used one way or another so at least they’re doing it in a way that helps build up the critical nuclear energy industry

  4. Cum_on_doorknob on

    “The machines were intelligent. Before even becoming self aware, they were able to convince us that we needed to couple their operation to nuclear plants. They knew we could not risk destroying their power source for fear of the consequences of radiation.”

  5. foundafreeusername on

    Everyone talking about small nuclear reactors and this is what we get. This is such a meme.

    Mom, can we have SMR’s? No, we have SMR at home. At home: Three Mile Island