Budget win for pensioners as Heather Humphreys seeks €15 a week pension increase, while pushing back on Jobseeker’s rise


Posted by Static-Jak


  1. Yeah I wouldn’t be increasing Jobseekeers. Her plan of a much increased Jobseekeers for 6 or 9 months based on your salary is very good though.

  2. Additional_Olive3318 on

    Whatever happened to the idea that Job seekers benefit would match your salary fir a few months. 

  3. Sounds like common sense.  Pensions should be as good as possible since we all spend our lives paying tax. 

    Jobseekers should be based in prior salary and then revert to a small number after 9-12 months.  Disability should be generous

    If you can work, you should work.  

  4. IntentionFalse8822 on

    All for the pension increases especially with links to disability. The state should protect those who worked all their lives and contributed to society or who due to no fault of their own can’t work.

    The idea of linking job seekers to past salary for 6 months or so is a good one. It provides a safety net for those who contribute to society but suddenly find themselves between jobs usually due to no fault of their own.

    No way should job seekers for the permanently unemployed be increased. We are at full employment and many businesses struggle to get workers. If someone chooses welfare as a career choice because they are comfortable with the limited lifestyle that gives them then they should be made uncomfortable for their sake as much as the taxpayers sake.

  5. Internal-Spinach-757 on

    Should just move to a triple lock system for pension increases like the UK. One of inflation, the average wage increase, or 2.5%, whichever is higher.

    It removes the ability of a government to use increasing the pension as a means of buying votes from the older demographic as it takes the pension increase out of their hands.