Harris accepts CNN debate invitation for October 23, again challenging Trump to another showdown



  1. If the post-debate convention bump doesn’t cease for Harris, he might not have a choice but to show up.

  2. AFlockOfTySegalls on

    If he agrees and it’s anything like the last debate I feel like that’s the final nail. Crushing him again two weeks before election day would be excellent.

  3. I really wish she wouldn’t. When your enemy is making mistakes, don’t interrupt them. Post debate has been all bad for Trump and Vance. An even decent debate performance for him and remember the bar is incredibly low, is pretty much a win. I think this is a mistake on the Harris campaign’s part. 

  4. Trump debating again? Hope so, because nothing says “presidential” like dodging questions and throwing tantrums on live TV.

  5. I’m indifferent to a 2nd debate, but if there is to be one, CNN is not the network to host it on. They’ve abandoned any journalistic standards 

  6. Just keep calling him out as a little coward baby boy.

    He’s too much of a narcissist to let it go.

    Every campaign stop rally, every major campaign spokesperson on any news channel. “I am/Kamala Harris is ready to beat Trump at another debate, and show the American people my/her vision for the future. Trump needs to quit being a whiny sore loser coward, and do the same.”

    For a month straight. In all media sources. Make the political discourse that Trump is a loser coward and he will melt down to degrees we’ve never seen.

  7. Smart of her to accept a date right before the election. Remember how things changed for Hillary when Comey pulled his little stunt, along with Assange releasing her emails (but not the Republican emails….which we’ve never seen). Had those things not happened, she very likely would have won. Conversely, if Trump shows up, she’s going to destroy him and that will be the nail in his coffin. If he doesn’t show up, she’s going to call him a chicken and bait him mercilessly. Important question: if Trump loses in November, will Jesse Waters remember who he is?

  8. I don’t see the advantage to this. She already crushed him in a debate. CNN is trash now and has proven they will let Trump lie and even help him lie.

  9. BannedAgainDude on

    … And CNN is a Republican circle jerk network where a conservative pundant can lie for 15 minutes and never get checked by Abby Phillip, yet, they’ll question Harris policies. It’s the perfect platform for the lying rapist.

  10. A debate at that stage in the campaign is a risky move for either party. However, given the last one, I’d say its a riskier move for Trump. Also, if the Trump campaign has any sort of October surprise in the wings, this would be potentially a nice counterpunch.

  11. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/21/politics/presidential-debate-harris-trump-cnn?cid=ios_app) reduced by 74%. (I’m a bot)
    > Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday accepted an invitation from CNN to debate former President Donald Trump on October 23, challenging her rival to another engagement on a public stage in the final weeks of the campaign.

    > Harris tweeted Saturday that she "Will gladly accept a second presidential debate" and that she hopes Trump "Will join" her on October 23.

    > "Both Vice President Harris and former President Trump received an invitation to participate in a CNN debate this fall as we believe the American people would benefit from a second debate between the two candidates for President of the United States," the network said in a statement.

    [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1fm7kza/harris_accepts_cnn_debate_invitation_for_october/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ “Version 2.02, ~694158 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **debate**^#1 **Trump**^#2 **President**^#3 **Harris**^#4 **campaign**^#5

  12. What if she gets the questions in advance 🫢 (they might even be, wait for it, the same questions as the previous presidential debates).

    It would be so NASTY and UNFAIR /s

  13. Taking bets he’s NOT gonna show up. He’s been creating the whole “I won bigly” facade minutes after the last debate to condition his cult supporters to accept there is no need for another one. 🤦‍♂️🙄🖕

  14. There is a zero percent chance he goes.

    He’s not going to want to embarrass himself again. He’ll make an excuse not to show up.

  15. The only way he wins a free and fair election is if he remains silent, which is near impossible for him to do. His bombastic rhetoric only speaks to his base and he needs ”others” to vote for him if he expects to win. The GOP policy platform is P2025/47 which speaks to few outside the base, so that eliminates pivoting to a policy discussion. He is cornered-

  16. He’ll have to create a new conspiracy to be big mad about “sleepy hunter Biden, is eating all your hot dogs!”

  17. This is great and I appreciate CNN putting out the announcement and stating they invited both candidates. Takes some of the ability for the candidates to try and spin attending or not attending. I hope if Trump refuses they still have a town hall with her.

  18. It’s a very confident move and puts some pressure on Trump to step up. He’d probably have to accept. Still nervous since his performance bar is so low. If he has a sleepy performance where he doesn’t take every little bait and go off script it could be perceived as a “win.”

  19. If he shows and the numbers aren’t looking good for him (even if his ass kissing handlers will say to him they look great) then who knows what will be coming out of his mouth

    Likely will be more extreme with threats

  20. PruneObjective401 on

    Kinda brilliant scheduling this right before election day. If she delivers another knockout (which is a high probability), Trump’s supporters will be far less likely to go out and vote.

  21. I find it so hard to have any faith in the recent polling when every experience I have had with a Trump supporter showed such a dug in, resilient to reality perspective on both candidates that I don’t believe a repeat performance will change much. Individual bias so take that with the proper salt. Hope I’m wrong.

  22. No way he will agree to it. Also doesn’t serve Harris to turn it into a solo town hall event. 

  23. We need a federal law that candidates cannot announce or campaign until 6 months before Election Day. Post-primary general election season should be no more than 3 months, tops.

    I’m so sick of election season never ending.

  24. Objective_Regret2768 on

    I don’t want to see it.. I’m so tired of hearing Trump regardless of the situation. It’ll be more bs and ridiculousness. Same shit for 9 years

  25. He will refuse to accept and then cave when all the chicken memes start appearing on Truth Social