Putin was joking about election support for Harris, Kremlin says; Zelenskyy hopes to meet with Trump next week



  1. 🤨 Everyone already knows that though. Weird from a comms perspective, like Rainier Wolfcastle saying “That’s the joke” over crickets. I guess it’s not like the Kremlin attracts the best talent for much.

  2. Why does Zelinsky have to meet with Trump? Trump was impeached for his dealings with Zelinsky. If people have forgotten they should watch From Russia with Lev, you’ll be brought right back to that nightmare.

    This should not be a close race. That man should be in jail as many of his closest associates are/were.

  3. What’s funny here is that Trump fell for Putin’s joke.

    Lost amid Trump’s idiocy about cats and dogs, was his comment to Harris that Putin endorsed her.

    Harris quickly put this to bed with sound reason and great panache, but Trump acted as though Putin’s endorsement was real.

  4. Why waste time with that meeting? Trump will not help Ukraine… Russia either has a lot of dirt on him and/or Trump is so enamored with Putin that he’ll do whatever the master wants… My bet is it’s both…

  5. “President Putin has a good sense of humor. He often jokes during his statements and interviews.”

    3 days


  6. Accidental-Hyzer on

    I thought that was obvious with his asshole comment about her “infectious laugh”. Also because one candidate is Putin’s pet puppet, and it’s not Harris.

  7. How much you guys want to bet the Ukraine/Russia war gets a ceasefire called in an attempt for Putin and Trump to make it look like Trump ended the violence in the war to make it seem like he pulled off some miracle with the idea to continue fighting after the election?

  8. Yeah, it was pretty obvious. He was JUST busted for election interference then put out the support for Harris just to get the heat off him. Of course he wants his puppet Trump to win.

  9. If they did have a meeting Trump would just blather on about illegal immigrants coming to the US thru Ukraine or some stupid shit. Pretty sure Zelenskyy is just covering his ass in case Trump does win. He doesn’t actually want to meet with him…

  10. Gawd I’m tired of here these pitiful worms claim they were ‘joking’ every time they screw up. You want a joke, look in the mirror.

  11. Reason he’s sayin it now?

    i think it’s because didnt see it that way. trump specifically said he thought Putin was bing serious.

    the 2cent reverse psychology effect didnt; work, and Trump ego could very well backfire on putin if he dosen;t go into damage reversal.

  12. 18 U.S. Code § 953 – Private correspondence with foreign governments
    U.S. Code

    Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

    This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

  13. Happy-Initiative-838 on

    If Zelenskyy tells Trump that he’s a big fan and that Trump is very smart and has large hands…there is a non zero chance that Trump becomes the biggest supporter of Ukraine.

  14. What kind of idiot in Zelensky’s team advised him a meeting with a convicted felon russian asset Trump is needed?

  15. Of course he was. We all know he would prefer another President Trump. Because that would mean Putin gets his puppet in the White House again, and would no longer need to worry about the US getting in the way of his delusions about bringing back the USSR.