Trump assassination prosecution hampered by pro-gun Supreme Court: report


  1. Cute-Perception2335 on

    Oh the irony of the NRA court hampering this prosecution. I suspect they will contort themselves like pretzels to make an exception for their candidate.

  2. Live-Brilliant-2387 on

    Well, looks like if ever there were a good time to attempt an assassination, it’s right now. Good luck to the second guy?

  3. I saw a different article that basically said that open carry is legal in Florida, the guy never took a shot so he can claim he was just carrying for self-protection. They can get him on a few minor things, but a good lawyer should pretty much get him off completely.

    All this changes if the guy starts talking and saying dumb things, of course. But thanks to DeSantis, the laws in Florida are pretty much for the guy with the gun.