Donald Trump Was ‘Black Hole’ for His Dad’s Money: New Book Author


  1. withanamelikejesk on

    If you gave a real business man 400 million 1980’s dollars he’d have turned it in to more than a couple billion for sure.

  2. This needs to be broadcast loudly. Not only are republicans traditionally bad for the economy over their term with their tax cuts and soaring deficits, Trump is worse hundredfold. Why people assume Trump would be strong on the economy is a mystery.

  3. I think it’s been pretty well documented that his inheritance would have done better in an index fund versus what he did with it (according to his own tax returns and such).

  4. Schwarzes__Loch on

    If he put Daddy’s money in an index fund and reinvested the dividends, he would have about $15 billion by now.

    And I thought I was bad with money in my teens.

  5. JFC, all you have to do is listen to him speak. Cheeto is dumb as a stump. Bluster only goes so far.

  6. I don’t know if I will ever forgive Mark Burnett for The Apprentice. If not for that show, Trump would be viewed as a failed businessman who squandered his inheritance. End of story. Instead Trump was able to cultivate his image as a successful businessman and entrepreneur. Thanks, Mark.

  7. “How do you become wealthy?”

    – “Be born the son of a very wealthy father, and be Donald Trump”

  8. Sorry_Seesaw_3851 on

    1/3 of wealth comes from hard work…2/3 comes from inheritance interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons…and what I do…stock and real estate speculation….I create nothing. I own. Gordon gekkop

  9. Consistent_Warthog80 on

    “Bankrupt” and “Casino”

    None of this is revelatory to anyone who heard those two words together in this context.

  10. Trump is the physical manifestation of fake news, disinformation and misinformation. I don’t believe a single word he ever says and never will.

  11. Altruistic-Sea581 on

    For the life of me, I can’t understand how anyone can think he’s a sharp businessman considering his whole shtick was luxury branding and now the name “Trump” is firmly associated with lower class yahoo’s and his signs and stickers are frequently plastered all over blighted properties and rusted out 2003 Chevy shitboxes.

  12. BallBearingBill on

    Trump is a sellout. He made his money by collecting royalties from slapping his name on everything, hundreds of millions from the Apprentice, and hundreds of millions from daddies inheritance. Almost none of his wealth is from building things. He’s a con man that got lucky and he’s conned half of America.

  13. His business school grades were off the charts !
    His next big money maker will be a book of nude photos of himself and some with melangia.

  14. He’s too much of an arrogant twat to be successful. You need talented people around you to be successful and he can’t tolerate anyone being smarter or more accomplished than his is. After really seeing his public personality I can completely understand how he fucked it up. No one of any real value wants to be around him for very long.

  15. Otherwise_Variety719 on

    Was? Still is, if he had done nothing with that money, just let interest grow he would be worth billions. Real money not the fake numbers he keeps pretending he has.

  16. Trump is a black hole for America. He and his family hijacked the Republican party to skim donations. Theres nothing wrong with America except Trump and his family of gifters. America’s Republican candidate has a convicted felon running for President. He was convicted of fraud. More charges coming. There is no country better than America and Trump has MAGA followers convinced our country will be destroyed. These fools give him money and support his unethical and immoral behavior. Lets just hope Trumps Open Zipper politics and hateful rhetoric convince American votes he is the black hole we have no tolerance for. Patriots wont vote for Trump. Lets all watch him crumble election night!

  17. I_like_baseball90 on

    One of the great underrated points in the debate for Harris was when she pointed out Trump was given millions and had 6 bankruptcies.

    It’s not a lie and should be pointed out daily to his minions who think he’s some sort of amazing business man.

  18. Ok_Sentence_4536 on

    He got a million dollar loan; repaid and is a billionaire who loves his country.
    He sees the decay in our country by the left; the “socialist /communist/marxist movement that has overtaken the Democrat Party. There is nothing Democratic in the Deomocrat Party.
    The Democrat candidate lied to you about her partners health for 3.5 years.
    For those out there that follow Alinsky,
    They are either true believers or useful idiots to the cause.

    We older type can who lived through real history classes that taught about the history of the “isms”, know no country has EVER prospered and the takeovers require evil. See Russia, China, Germany Venezuela, Cuba, etc.
    Hundreds of millions of people died in these takeovers. We want peace thru strength. We want to be able to afford things. We want to be able to worship who we please. We want freedom of speech, freedom to own weapons so our govt can’t take us over. We want facts over propaganda. Our MSM is a paid off joke, and has kept a fake puppet in the pesidential race by lying and making stuff up. They are the main enemy of the people now. By repeating things that are not true over and over again they make them the truth because of hearsay and innuendo.
    Our government is trying to inhibit anything that will give power to the people. We need to drain the mess the is Washington DC. Trump and Musk can do that.

    The left are not revolutionaries, we are.
    Trump 24 or you will be sorry. History says so!

  19. I can sincerely say that I’ve *never* wished for another man to fall further than I hope Trump does. Hopefully, he’ll end up in a cell with P Dodgy.

  20. Historical-Tough6455 on

    His dad never passed control to Trump. Trump only got control after completing the inherentance process after his father’s death.

    That says a lot about his opinion of Trump

  21. Trump inherited 400 million just like he inherited $2.14 gas, 3.5% mortgages and a booming market from Obama. He’s never accomplished much as potus except his massive tax cut to himself and big corp.

  22. Ah so was I my parents sent me to college.. but this dude is also a fascist who wants to be Kim Jong Un and loves Putin

  23. People believe he’s this smart businessman because that’s how he talks about himself. It only takes a quick Google search to find out he’s filed bankruptcy 6 times.

  24. Appropriate_Fun6105 on

    Tim Miller from The Bulwark podcast interviewed one of the authors yesterday. Trump’s ability to manage money/make deals has been known to be historically terrible, but the way he was syphoned money by the Apprentice producer is the real kicker. Dude was singlehandedly boosted in notoriety and wealth solely by someone else.

  25. From a distance, he acted like a loud self- promoter that just screwed up a lot of traditionally solid businesses. USFL? Operated in the spring, owned the market, controlled salaries. Enter DJT – wild salaries, move their schedule to the fall – IN DIRECT COMPETITION WITH THE N-FREAKING-FL, sue, win 3 dollars. Art of the deal!

    I have yet to read much of Wayne Barrett’s ‘70’s and later reporting, but it appears there was at least 35 yearrs of failed businesses before he ran in 2016. His only successful gig was as an employee of Mark Burnett’s.

    good gawd, we Americans are gullible.