1. Oh look, still a party of traitors to our constitution. Fuck republicans they can pound sand when they lose this NOV.

  2. Good luck with that. As if their stupid violence is going to overturn anything except their lives when they’re in jail.

  3. Creative-Claire on

    And of that 15%, only 1% can get off the couch without getting out of breath. The other 14% just tweet hate thinking they’re owning libs.

  4. Quirky_Cheetah_271 on

    my prediction: if kamala wins, they will fizzle out as his inevitable stupid ass lawsuits fail for lack of standing once again and literally nobody else wants to deal with their bullshit again.

  5. Remember when you were in elementary and there was always those few annoying ass kids who tattle about everything, complain everything is unfair, and whines nonstop? MAGAts are them grown up.

  6. Luckily if another January 6 tries to happens, the president in charge won’t take his time to get it resolved

  7. Even 15% of Republicans alone is a large number of people but they could be facing the world’s most powerful military. They can wreck themselves and do some damage but they can’t win. Biden is commander in chief, they can’t depend on a president sympathetic to their cause this time. We have to stand up for the constitution or we’ll lose our republic and all our freedoms.

  8. Read an article that explained why. Some 20% of voters have an IQ of 60 or less. They relate to Trump because of his slow, simple, and repetive speech. They believe he is like they are. These voters are highly susceptible to cult leaders and brainwashing. They can’t grasp the complex concepts or language related to policy. Therefore, the issues are unimportant to them.

  9. It took a long time but it has happened.

    “The John Birch Society is Communism’s greatest ally. With its help we will divide and confuse the American people until they have lost faith in their Government, their nation has ceased to be a major world power, and their country is ripe for revolution.”

    Nikita Khrushchev, premier of the USSR (now Russia), from 1958-1964

    The John Birch Society is also directly linked to conservative politics today. Most notably, Fred Koch, the father of David and Charles Koch, was among the Birch Society’s first 11 members and its main financial backers. The billionaire Koch brothers have pumped massive amounts of money into libertarian causes and conservative political campaigns for decades.


  10. Very typical. If I win the election is completely fair. If I lose the election is rigged and the election is unfair.

  11. Unlikely-Maybe9199 on

    Well in that case, Democrats should also be willing to take action. These fuckers think they are the only ones with guns

  12. Those 15% get off their couches, wipe the cheese whiz off their 3rd chin, get their 3XL tactical gear on with expansion velcro to get it to fit. Waddle down to the local KKK meeting, drink some beers while high fiving and getting all confused why they are sexually charged up being around other sweaty gravy seals, carpool in their ‘02 Ford Windstar to the Capital…

    Piss their pants because this time, this time the loyal US military is ready and willing to uphold the righteous winner of the election with proper military might. They pop their HBP meds and an antacid, turn around crying like the little bitches they are and go home. They fade away like orcs in the ending of LOTR in the 4th age…

  13. devilmaskrascal on

    If Trump wins, Kamala Harris, President of the Senate, can throw out the vote and accept Democrat slates of electors instead. Perfectly legal!

    And Biden can pressure swing state governors like Josh Shapiro and Roy Cooper to throw out the excess Republican votes and “find votes” because he has executive immunity.

    Thanx 4 Tha Precedent Donald Trump

  14. Independent-Lemon624 on

    I’m looking forward to more people wrecking their lives and going to jail over this orange clown weirdo.

  15. East-Bluejay6891 on

    Fuck that 50%. Seriously. The one thing that has kept this country together has been the peaceful transfer of power. This kind of shit can ultimately destroy the country altogether.

  16. 1000 people polled out of 170,000,000 registered voters and I expect they were all in Red States.

    Even in they weren’t does 500 people out of the 170,000,000 really matter.

    The fact there is even 1 person who would vote for a convicted felon, a self admitted sex offender and a person who cannot retain memories of what happened for more than a few days means that the US is doomed whomever they elect. Imagine having a population that ignorant and unintelligent that they believe whatever AI and the internet tell them. How does the country continue to function with that type of ignorance in 1/2 their population?

  17. Good … expose all these traitors !
    Draw line ….. pick a side … and let’s deal with these maga nazis once in for all

  18. Ok, so what is the percentage of Americans who will not accept Nazis trying to take over our government?