The M2A2 Bradley saved its crew after two hits from a Kornet ATGM in the Donetsk region

Posted by ThatGuySK99


  1. Ok_Recognition_2288 on

    After the first hit it just moved on, the second must have hit a track leaving it disabled; damage seems to be minimal. Though little box!

  2. Jesus the Bradley is a fucking monster of a machine. We need to give Ukraine 1000 more and March them straight to Moscow

  3. Incredible that it survived two Kornet hits so well. Kornet is Russia’s equivalent of Javelin but Russia claims it is better(don’t they always!), with a bigger warhead. Very unlikely a T-90 could survive 2 javelin hits, never mind an IFV.

  4. Alternate title: “Bradley disabled by Kornet hit, subsequently destroyed by second Kornet. Soldiers evacuate the vehicle, current status unknown.

  5. Imagine a week later, you’ve physically recovered and they’re like “ok, suit up boys, your new IFV is here, time to get back out there”…

  6. Quality is like this they survived to fight another day vs to quantity and just expect to throw everyone and expect something to happen

  7. I think a big part of this is that the engine of the Bradley is in the front, so it can take some WILD hits