Gonna take a wild guess that the NIS is already watching.
LearnNot on
Lol no
Substantial-King-499 on
Lol welcome to prison
yasadboidepression on
Even with a medical prescription you will be stopped at the airport. Do not do this, it might be legal in Australia but South Korea is not Australia, these guys do not fuck around with drugs. These are the same people that are confiscating everything but the bagel seasoning because it contains poppy seeds.
Gonna take a wild guess that the NIS is already watching.
Lol no
Lol welcome to prison
Even with a medical prescription you will be stopped at the airport. Do not do this, it might be legal in Australia but South Korea is not Australia, these guys do not fuck around with drugs. These are the same people that are confiscating everything but the bagel seasoning because it contains poppy seeds.
Nope, unless u wanna try prison.
Here people are getting imprison for that