Dorset: Hunt master and worker guilty of illegal fox hunting

Posted by topotaul


  1. The sentence for a Hunt illegally engaging in fox hunting should include destroying the Hunt’s dogs and horses at their owner’s expense.

  2. A lifetime ban on keeping animals for work or as pets would be an appropriate punishment and deterrent. Fines mean nothing to these people.

  3. I grew up in Yorkshire, and hunting was and still is massive there. What surprises me though is how many locals hate the hunts and would love to see them banned. I think many hunters just think that the protesters against them are London based vegans who have no idea how the countryside works. However, there is a massive group who hate hunts, they are cruel and unnecessary. They create a massive headache for locals when they are in town and there is always a mad scramble to get pet cats shut inside.

    If you have a fox problem, hunts are about the most expensive, difficult to organise and least effective ways to solve the issue.