Mark Robinson compares himself to Clarence Thomas: “High-Tech Lynching”


  1. Typical republican, always the victim. People might have believed that he didn’t write those posts about him being a Black Nazi and wanting to be a slave owners, if it didn’t go hand in hand with the BS he has publicly spoken about.

  2. What was a ‘high tech lynching’ in 1991? Vicious usenet and gopher? Getting trashed on a dial-up BBS?

  3. ASecularBuddhist on

    What’s up with the Black Republicans who talk about ‘high tech lynchings’ to cover up their sexual immorality?

  4. For those that are dedicated to destroying the America that is, in order to build an America that was, a political lynching may well be in order. For those whose character is so stained that they can only mouth perversions, a political lynching may well be in order. Removing these rancid cancers (peacefully) from our politics can only make our country stronger.

  5. You know what? I couldn’t even been a phenomenal politician, and you know why I’m not? S-K-E-L-E-T-O-N-S My college years, the years after college, by browser history…I would never survive a thorough journalistic background. I could get a clearance, but that’s not the same thing.