Why??? Help me understand please



  1. Smoking just seems to make people inconsiderate and woefully dull in the head.

    It’s the theory I’ve been running with for years now.

  2. There’s an aspect of personal responsibility here, but there’s also no ash tray provided.

    I’ve seen cigs thrown in bins, even after butting them out, set the bin on fire.

    Whoever owns the joint should put one of those sand containers out there so people can butt their cigs and dispose of them in one go.

    After that point, it’s just fucking Damos and Darrens

  3. Pretty sure someone has sat there pulling apart stubs of used cigs to make another cig from the remnants then dumped the butts. They call these dumpers…

  4. Former smoker here. It’s because you can’t put smokes in a bin **even if it looks like it’s out** as it might still catch fire.

    They need a butt pan for smokers to put it that’s not in the bin. So it’s easier to just stomp it out and leave it.

  5. Blind person on their smoko just trying to get by OP.

    God sake mate have some empathy!!!! /s

    Scumbags just being scumbags. It reminds me of kids back in Ireland putting vape packaging stickers on the top and sides of the rubbish bins. Like you’re legit there, put it in the fucking bin!!

  6. Was abused at my local beach after I told a bloke to pick his ciggy up he littered. He refused so I picked it up and he had a fucking melt down and exploded at me and my girlfriend

  7. Looks like someone’s wanted a cone and they didn’t have any spin so they’ve gone and taken the roaches out of these used ones. 🫠

  8. Alot of people put their smokes out on the lid and leave them in case the bin catches fire, as u can see here too. Is it possible there were heaps more on the lid and there was just a gust of wind?

  9. I hate these people that leave smoke butts everywhere, as a smoker if there’s not a ashtray around you throw it on the ground, stomp it out and then pick up the fucking butt and throw it in the bin.

    I swear not all us smokers are fuckwits like this.

  10. Almost certainly this is a bench where a homeless person spends most of their time.

    Less a problem of grots and scum, more a problem of mental health not being treated by a callous society that ignores the most vulnerable.

  11. People who are not able to properly assess risk (or understand social norms) make bad choices like smoke and throw their butts on the ground, or let their dogs crap everywhere, or play music/use the speaker on their phone in public etc. Probably not their fault they have some underdeveloped brain issue – just unfortunate, inconsiderate cunts.

  12. Because people are septic rancid cunts.

    I say this as a guy who smoked for twenty-one years and refused to flick butts until I could dispose of them properly.

  13. nearly_enough_wine on

    That looks very much like someone has been picking through butts to make a few bumpers.

    Shit go that they didn’t clean up after themselves.

  14. Carmageddon-2049 on

    Well, smokers in public aren’t the chaps blessed with any civic sense. So this is par for the course.

  15. rapejokes_arefunny on

    Someone probably had a bike chained to it, it was probably easier to cut the seat than the chain.

    Also, looks like someone desperate raided an ashtray to get all the little leftover bits of tobacco to make one smoke.

  16. Sit in traffic all day, i’m pretty sure its like 90% of smokers driving that just throw them out the window, its depressing. If your a smoker who doesnt do this i thank you.

  17. littletreeleaves on

    As a smoker, I am genuinely disgusted. I carry an ashtray with me, smoke far far away from others like an outcast, and hide my cigarette from children.
    Yes, it’s a disgusting addiction but I try to minimise that impact on others as best I can.