Emophilia means falling in love too fast and frequently. Emophilia differs from anxious attachment, sociosexuality, and being a hopeless romantic. High emophilia is associated with risky behaviors, such as ignoring red flags and safe sex practices.



  1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:


    From the linked article:


    – Emophilia means falling in love too fast and frequently.

    – Emophilia differs from anxious attachment, sociosexuality, and being a hopeless romantic.

    – High emophilia is associated with risky behaviors, such as ignoring red flags and safe sex practices.

    High levels of emophilia are associated with negative behaviors such as deception, engaging in unprotected sex, cheating (e.g., extramarital sex); and with ignoring relationship red flags (e.g., boundary violations, controlling behavior, gaslighting).

    Furthermore, individuals high in emophilia are often attracted to people with Dark Triad traits, particularly narcissists.